
Sales Tips From Mark Hunter

How to Attract Better Customers

How to Attract Better Customers

To attract high-quality customers and grow your business, implement these ten proven strategies. When you have better customers, you're able to grow your business.1. Be referable.  Your best customers are going to come from your existing customers, so make it easy for...

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How to Begin Any Prospecting Call

How to Begin Any Prospecting Call

What’s the reason the vast majority of prospecting calls really go south quickly?
Instead, you’ve got to lead with a question or a statement relative to them. How? If you want to start any call off on the right foot, follow these four guidelines.

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10 Essentials to Maximize the Day

10 Essentials to Maximize the Day

The big difference between top-performing salespeople and average-performing salespeople is how they use their time and how they maximize the day.

If we don’t set ourselves up with a very defined process, the day will define us.

I want to make the most of each day, do you? If so, think through these ten questions.

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10 Sales Metrics that Actually Matter

10 Sales Metrics that Actually Matter

Too many sales organizations believe that if it can be measured, we might as well have it as a metric.  Or, just because it's easy to measure,  it's a metric worth following…false!  I want to go through ten sales metrics for any individual producer or organization....

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How to Score Your Prospects

How to Score Your Prospects

Scoring your prospects can help you manage your time. Who is a priority? I challenge you to rate your prospects A, B, C. I’ve created eight questions that will help you do just that.  My top category ‘A’ means they fit my ICP, I can help them, they have great lifetime...

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Why Customers Don’t Want to Buy

Why Customers Don’t Want to Buy

Customers don't want to buy. Why should they buy anything? What they're willing to do is spend money to have problems solved.  They have a challenge, a pain, or they have a gain, and they're looking for solutions. The more I can do to uncover that, the more successful...

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5 Ways Sales Is More than a Career

5 Ways Sales Is More than a Career

Sales is more than a career. It’s a lifestyle. While you’re elevating customers, you’re also elevating yourself.  Why are you in sales? I love sales because I don't view sales as a job or even a profession. I view it as a lifestyle. It's one of the reasons I wrote the...

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Why Setting Goals and Achieving Them Is Hard

Why Setting Goals and Achieving Them Is Hard

 It might be easy to set goals, but achieving them is a whole other game. We know it's absolutely critical, but it's still hard to do. Let's walk through ten things that could be getting in the way of your success right now. Once you identify the roadblock to your...

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How to Strengthen Your Sales Network

How to Strengthen Your Sales Network

 Sales is a team sport. Who’s on your team? Today I have four questions for you to answer, and they’re the kind you’ll want a pen and paper for.  Take your own answers to these questions and use them to grow and strengthen your sales network. Then, go out and get your...

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8 Reasons a Career in Sales Is Worth It

8 Reasons a Career in Sales Is Worth It

Why choose a career in sales? Or why stay in sales?  Every year there's a 30% turnover in sales. People come into sales thinking it's easy money, and then they realize it's hard.  It's one of the reasons I wrote my newest book, The Making of a Mind for Sales, because...

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How to Evaluate Your Sales Potential

How to Evaluate Your Sales Potential

What's my potential in sales? I have ten questions for you, and they’re not skill-based questions. These are really emotionally-based questions.  I've recently come out with a new book, The Making of A Mind for Sales, designed to help you become a better salesperson...

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11 Reasons Salespeople Can’t Close

11 Reasons Salespeople Can’t Close

Are you doing enough in the sales process to close the deal? Salespeople are always quick to say, “My price was too high, that was the reason the customer didn't buy.” That's garbage. I want you to take that off the table.  I want to share 11 reasons salespeople can’t...

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9 Questions to Evaluate a New Customer

9 Questions to Evaluate a New Customer

Do I move forward with this lead or cut them loose now?  The more complex your sales, the more critical these nine questions are. The deeper you are into B2B, the more critical they are, too.  They still apply to simplistic sales and B2C, but you're going to find a...

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10 Sales Metrics that Matter

10 Sales Metrics that Matter

Just because you can measure it doesn't mean it needs to be measured.  I see too many sales managers and salespeople measuring things just because it's easy, and for some reason they think it's going to make a difference.  I'm going to walk you through 10 metrics that...

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Why Are YOU in Sales?

Why Are YOU in Sales?

Are you committed to making it happen in sales? …Do you even want to be in sales?  Whether or not you got into sales for the right reasons, (I sure didn’t!) it’s not too late to find purpose and satisfaction in what I think is the best profession in the world. What is...

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4 Keys to Achieving Success in Sales

4 Keys to Achieving Success in Sales

I want to help you see and achieve the sales success you didn’t think was possible. Combine these four things and you're going to be well on your way to achieving success in sales.1. Discipline and focus  The best salespeople in the world are incredibly disciplined...

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3 Ways Sales Begins with You

3 Ways Sales Begins with You

Sales begins with you, not your customer.  If you can begin with these three things, you will be successful in sales. But if you don’t believe in yourself, your process, and your ability to help your customer, success will be difficult for you. 1. Believe in yourself...

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Do I Have Top Performers on My Sales Team?

Do I Have Top Performers on My Sales Team?

How does your team measure up? If you're a sales manager, use these 14 questions to help you determine whether or not you really have top performers.  A lot of people say or think they're top performers, but they're not. If you’re not a manager, how do you personally...

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How to Make the Most of Each Day

How to Make the Most of Each Day

You can increase your sales performance significantly just by practicing time management.  Time is one of our only resources in short supply. I'm going to share 10 strategies for how you can get control of your time.  1. Plan your day. “Tomorrow begins today.”  If you...

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6 Steps to Customer-Centric Communication

6 Steps to Customer-Centric Communication

It's not about how we want to communicate. How does your customer want to? I find too many salespeople think that sales is all about emails, emails, emails, social media, emails, emails, social media.  It’s much more than that. If I want my messaging to succeed, I...

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How Consistency Pays Off in Prospecting

How Consistency Pays Off in Prospecting

Forget the early bird. The most persistent bird gets the worm.  Ask yourself: Am I consistent in how I use my time, how I schedule my time? Am I consistent in how I stay engaged with my customers and how I follow up?  Many salespeople struggling to close deals are...

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The 7 C’s of Successful Sales Hunting

The 7 C’s of Successful Sales Hunting

You don't have anything to close until you prospect.  I see too many salespeople simply taking orders. They wait for the business to come to them. I want to show you the seven Cs of having a Sales Hunter Mindset. If you were making a cake, but you left out a critical...

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Shrug It Off: Handling Setbacks in Sales Calls

Shrug It Off: Handling Setbacks in Sales Calls

You can't prospect for very long without getting jumped. Somebody's going to be upset at you making a phone call to them, and if you take it personally, it's going to wear you down.  You have the potential to help people, so don’t let one negative interaction get in...

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6 Tips to Sell to Multiple Verticals

6 Tips to Sell to Multiple Verticals

There's a lot of traffic out there; stay in your lane. If you try to cut lanes, you are going to get into an accident much faster.  When you're prospecting, chances are you chase a lot of leads, but get little to no traction. You have to get traction to be able to...

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Are They a Qualified Prospect or Shiny Object?

Are They a Qualified Prospect or Shiny Object?

What percent of your prospects actually wind up becoming customers?  Too often, those prospects turn out to just be shiny objects. What really happens is you get these prospects and it's two, three months later that you realize they'll never become a customer. Why are...

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Keeping Your Prospecting Muscle Strong

Keeping Your Prospecting Muscle Strong

Dealing with some pretty flabby prospecting muscles?    Prospecting is a muscle, and it has to be exercised daily.  Recently I found myself not running for about a week, and man, I was getting stiff. I went out for a run and it was ugly; it took me a couple of...

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Overcoming the #1 Obstacle to Prospecting

Overcoming the #1 Obstacle to Prospecting

The number one obstacle to prospecting is not what you think it is.  People always think they don't have the right leads, or don't have the right script. That's not the number one obstacle. The number one obstacle with prospecting really comes down to your time and...

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How to Ask Better Questions Sooner

How to Ask Better Questions Sooner

Anyone can share information. It's the questions you ask—not the information you share—that is going to make the sale. Plus, the answers you get aren’t just going to educate you, but also your future prospects. This blog is brought to you by an episode of The Sales...

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5 Ways to Create Momentum with Your Mindset

5 Ways to Create Momentum with Your Mindset

Prospecting is all in your head.  We can have a great cadence, a great system, tools, you name it. However, if your head is not in the right place, you're not going to be able to perform.  Some salespeople are afraid to pick up the phone and call a prospect. So they...

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4 Steps to Qualify Prospects Earlier

4 Steps to Qualify Prospects Earlier

Warning, the red lights are flashing. Your prospects are not who they claim to be regardless of what they tell you.  Don't get suckered into spending time with bad prospects. Validate early, so you spend more time with fewer prospects. Here’s how… This blog is brought...

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Does Your Personality Sell or Repel?

Does Your Personality Sell or Repel?

Most probably assume their personality sells. But what if it’s the opposite? A personality that sells is a personality that puts the customer first.  And when we put the customer first, it's amazing what we hear. This blog is brought to you by an episode of The Sales...

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4 Parts of an Effective CTA

4 Parts of an Effective CTA

How effective is your prospecting CTA?  When making a call, or sending an email, an effective CTA is a must.  If you're going to go through the effort of reaching out to somebody, you’ve got to have a next step. If not, why are you doing it?  Follow these 4 steps to...

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5 Ways to Cancel Low Self-Esteem in Sales

5 Ways to Cancel Low Self-Esteem in Sales

There’s one obstacle to prospecting I don't hear from people— I see it. Low self-esteem.  I can relate, because if you knew my early path in sales, I was anything but The Sales Hunter. I had to raise my own self-esteem to become a great salesperson.  Let me walk you...

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How to Own Up to Your Sales

How to Own Up to Your Sales

Do you believe prospecting is someone else's job? I hear this a lot from account managers, enterprise salespeople and even veteran salespeople.  If you want to be the best salesperson you can be, you have to own it, and that means owning every step.  **This blog is...

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5 Baby Steps to Building a Prospecting Plan

5 Baby Steps to Building a Prospecting Plan

If my objective is to go someplace and I don't have a map, how will I know when I get there?  You’d be just as lost in prospecting without a plan. No need to get frustrated, great salespeople own it. They don't create excuses. Whether your plan is bad, or nonexistent,...

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How to Balance Prospects and Existing Accounts

How to Balance Prospects and Existing Accounts

I hear excuses all the time as to why someone can't prospect. One I hear frequently is, “I've got to take care of all these existing customers. I’ll prospect when I get done with that.” Oops—then you never get time because those existing customers just take up so much...

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5 Time Management Tips for Salespeople

5 Time Management Tips for Salespeople

If I had time to prospect I would, and if I had time to prospect, I know I'd be really good at it.  Liar, liar, pants on fire.  You are making a big fat excuse, and it comes down to poor time management. When you start viewing time as your most valuable resource, your...

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How to Overcome “Bad” Leads

How to Overcome “Bad” Leads

Without leads, there can be no prospects. Well, I don't believe in leads because they never work. That argument is so old, it's unbelievable.  If you or any of your colleagues find yourselves using this excuse, you absolutely must read the following six items. **This...

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Help! I Hate Cold Outreach!

Help! I Hate Cold Outreach!

Do you have a strong discomfort with cold outreach?  Or much worse…do you avoid the phone as a prospecting tool altogether?  I’ve got six strategies to warm up any cold call and help you get over this big obstacle to prospecting.  **This blog is part of the 15 Reasons...

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How Prospecting Puts Success in Your Hands

How Prospecting Puts Success in Your Hands

Some salespeople don't prospect because they simply don’t believe in prospecting.  Are you willing to allow your fate to be controlled by inbound calls? The marketing department? Repeat business?  A major perk of being in sales is having a much greater influence on...

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How to Craft a Sales Conversation

How to Craft a Sales Conversation

Salespeople tell me, “I just can't prospect because I'm uncertain as to what to say, or what to do.” It’s painful! This is one of the big reasons why people don't prospect. However, I'm on a mission to help you become a master prospector. I can give your 6 easy...

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Overcoming a Fear of Failure in Sales

Overcoming a Fear of Failure in Sales

It's very hard to become a top performing salesperson without becoming a really good prospector.  I hear salespeople say, “I can't prospect, that's what marketing does.” What it comes down to is they have this fear of failure.  Fear of failure should never keep you...

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15 Reasons Holding Salespeople Back

15 Reasons Holding Salespeople Back

This could be a little bit negative, but this is the real thing. I've been dealing with prospecting and helping salespeople for a long time now. Having been around the block, I know these 15 things are holding salespeople back from success.   Looking at this list...

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10 Ways to Use ChatGPT to Prospect

10 Ways to Use ChatGPT to Prospect

There are multiple uses for AI, some you may not have thought of.  I’m all about helping you find and retain better customers that you can close at full price, and using ChatGPT certainly works.  AI isn’t going to replace you. It's going to help you prospect more...

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Prospecting for the Non-Salesperson

Prospecting for the Non-Salesperson

You think you're not in sales, but everybody is in sales. Everybody has to find new customers. You might be a small business owner and say, "I need to find more customers. How do I go out and do that?"  Let's walk through 10 things that you can be doing right now to...

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How to Use ChatGPT and AI to Sell

How to Use ChatGPT and AI to Sell

Feel like AI is taking over everything?  The rules keep changing on this, but what I want you to remember is: ChatGPT is nothing more than a very hyperactive search engine.  Don't run from it! ChatGPT is a tool to leverage. Embrace it!ChatGPT can give you a tremendous...

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How to Prospect in a New Industry

How to Prospect in a New Industry

You've been given a new territory, now it’s time to find a way to get business there.  Let’s go through 10 steps to be successful prospecting in a new industry.1. Know your value.  What's the solution you bring to your customers? We don’t sell a product/service, we...

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Go from Opening a Sale to Opening a Relationship

Go from Opening a Sale to Opening a Relationship

Are you in charge of your sales process, or is your process in charge of you? This is a big issue, and becoming a bigger issue with the advent of AI.  I’m finding more and more companies are overcomplicating their sales process. As the economy weakens, they think they...

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How to Contact the Right Prospects

How to Contact the Right Prospects

If we don’t prospect properly, there’s no way we can close.  Step 1 in the Sales Logic System is Contact. Of course, a clear subset of Contact is prospecting. Didn’t catch last week’s blog on the Sales Logic System? Click here to read the overview. Our close ratio...

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Simplify Your Sales Process

Simplify Your Sales Process

Uncomplicate your sales process. Do you think our customers are eager to participate in an 8-step process? A 12-step process?Something I’ve noticed in the advent of ChatGPT and all these AI tools is it’s becoming even more complicated. It’s supposed to simplify the...

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How to Change Your Cold Call Mindset

How to Change Your Cold Call Mindset

The problem is in the prospecting. When someone says they don’t have enough deals to close, or they can’t close the deals they have, the common belief is the person needs help closing.   I’d argue that’s not the case in 95% of the situations. The problem is in the...

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Why Prospecting Is a War

Why Prospecting Is a War

Don’t get hit by friendly fire. For many salespeople, prospecting is hard! Some struggle every day to make prospecting happen and unfortunately get hit by far too much friendly fire.  It’s time to be blunt, I’m on a mission to stop the damaging friendly fire too many...

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10 Rules of the Prospecting Game

10 Rules of the Prospecting Game

Too many people struggle with prospecting. I’m here to help. There are some basic rules you need to get right. To win at prospecting, here are my Top 10 insights to the game. 1. Prospects don't care.  Until you show an interest in them, there's no reason for them to...

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How to Sell to the CEO

How to Sell to the CEO

Here are 16 tips for reaching the CEO and speaking their language.  CEO Facts 1. CEO’s don’t have budgets. They set them…and take them. Don't ever think that there's no money. There almost always is money, and they will spend it because they don't have budgets.  2....

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How to Build a Sales Pipeline

How to Build a Sales Pipeline

Keeping your pipeline stuffed is a sure path toward frustration, (and a lousy way to impress your boss). Build your sales pipeline in a way that deals flow through with ease from top to bottom. How? I’ve got 10 tips for how to build a healthy sales pipeline. 1. Know...

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10 Reasons Why Salespeople Fail

10 Reasons Why Salespeople Fail

I hate talking about negative subjects, but it's time to call it out.  I'm going to list ten reasons why salespeople fail. Now, it's not that salespeople fail on all ten of them, but all it takes is one or two. This post is to help you steer clear of these ten...

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10 Ways to Get a Prospect to Respond

10 Ways to Get a Prospect to Respond

"Oh, wow, I guess they're not interested."  Wait! You have no idea how valuable of a prospect they are until you have the conversation with them.  Sure, you've made four or five calls or emails, and they're not responding. But you have the ability to help them, so...

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10 Ways to Use ChatGPT in Sales

10 Ways to Use ChatGPT in Sales

Don't think for a moment that ChatGPT is going to replace you— it won't if you are a confident, competent salesperson. But you’ve got to understand how to use it. My co-host Meridith Elliott Powell and I dove into this topic on a recent episode of Sales Logic, which...

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Prospecting Is an Outcome Game

Prospecting Is an Outcome Game

Prospecting is not about selling. It's an outcome game.  A big reason salespeople struggle with prospecting is because they're too busy selling the product. People don't want to buy products. They want to buy solutions —they're looking for outcomes.1. Know your...

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Prospecting Is an Activity Game

Prospecting Is an Activity Game

Prospecting doesn't just occur on its own. You have to do the work.  Prospecting is a lot like a gym membership. You can't get a membership to the gym and expect to be in shape. You've got to go and work the machines, put in the reps, spend the time. Last week I...

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Prospecting Is a Mental Game

Prospecting Is a Mental Game

Prospecting is a game that too many salespeople have already lost because they're mentally unprepared. I want you to be successful at prospecting, and I'm going to tell you ten things to get your head in the game. 1. Prep the day before. You can't go into anything...

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How Prospecting Rules Have Changed for 2023

How Prospecting Rules Have Changed for 2023

Are you ready for the changes this year will bring?   I’ll give you 10 things that you need to be on alert for with regards to prospecting in this new economy. 1. Engage the CEO  Does it have to be the CEO? No, but you have to be prepared to go further up the...

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How to Start Selling Your Outcome

How to Start Selling Your Outcome

Stop selling your product.  The product training you’ve had is bad. Who cares what you sell, or how good you or your company thinks it is. Instead, I want you to focus 100% on selling the outcomes you allow your customer to achieve.  That’s what your customer is...

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Why Passion in Sales is Powerful

Why Passion in Sales is Powerful

If we can’t be passionate about helping others, how can we be passionate about sales?   In my book, A Mind for Sales I write about this factor a lot, as I’m a firm believer it is the cornerstone of sales.   Sales is not about what we sell, sales is about helping the...

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How Top Salespeople Win the Day

How Top Salespeople Win the Day

Top performers just do things differently.  They have a very succinct strategy because the only day we can truly impact is today. Yesterday has passed, and tomorrow is yet to come. Today is for making a difference. 1. Attitude Top performers don’t moan and groan when...

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7 Tips to Maximize Time for Prospecting

7 Tips to Maximize Time for Prospecting

We don't find the time, we make it.  If someone doesn't spend enough time prospecting due to poor time management –it's really a priority problem.  How can you utilize your time to prospect more effectively, and have more time to prospect? Here are seven tips to get...

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Are You Closing Sales or Opening Relationships?

Are You Closing Sales or Opening Relationships?

What's your plan to stay in touch with the customer after the sale?   Too many salespeople land a customer and then go out and try to get another customer. Hey, wait a minute! The cheapest customer you're ever going to get is the one you already have. 1. Delivering on...

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10 Strategies for Current Customers

10 Strategies for Current Customers

Your current customers are an untapped source for sales.  Of course, current customers can’t be your only focus. That would lead to a dry or clogged pipeline.  But if your pipeline is looking okay, and you need another year-end sales strategy to meet your goals, it’s...

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How Prospecting Looks Different in Q4

How Prospecting Looks Different in Q4

Sure, you’ve got a number to hit, but prospecting looks a little bit different in the fourth quarter. Time isn’t on your side. So what do we most need to focus on? See my 10 insights below on how to adjust for success in the 4th quarter. 1. Know your funnel  This...

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How to Keep Your Sales Simple

How to Keep Your Sales Simple

This is not the time of year to boil the ocean.  Really, there's no time of the year to boil the ocean, but end of year especially, it’s time to keep your activities and processes simple. So what works best if simplicity is the name of the game? Check out these eight...

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8 Guidelines for a Great 4th Quarter

8 Guidelines for a Great 4th Quarter

The 4th quarter is the accountability quarter.  Some of you are thinking, "Hey, it's been a great year," because you've done well in Q1-3. Others are saying, "Ugh," because you simply didn't accomplish everything you hoped.  Giving up is not an option! If you want to...

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5 Ways to Build Your Sales with Your Network

5 Ways to Build Your Sales with Your Network

A healthy network makes you more valuable. Why? You’ve heard it said: What's the best way to increase your net worth? Increase your network.  Let’s dive into 5 ways to ensure your network is an incredible asset. 1. Power list I recently moved to Dallas. Before I moved...

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How to Use Your Mind as a Sales Asset

How to Use Your Mind as a Sales Asset

The mind is the most incredible app you have. And it's free. Use it. How do you ensure your mindset is propelling you forward and not holding you back? Check out these 6 tips.  Click here to read last week's asset #1, time. 1. Who are you tapping into?  Who are the...

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3 Critical Assets Most Salespeople Overlook

3 Critical Assets Most Salespeople Overlook

There are three critical assets most salespeople overlook: time, mind, and network.  If you get these three things right, it's amazing what can happen in terms of your success in sales. And really, in any area or field, both professionally and personally. Want to hear...

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5 Essentials for Before You Negotiate

5 Essentials for Before You Negotiate

Before you negotiate, there are five things you need to know.  Too many times salespeople race to negotiate, because they think in negotiating with the customer sooner, they’ll be able to close the deal quicker. More often than not, this is absolutely not the case. ...

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10 Best Practices for Prospecting

10 Best Practices for Prospecting

 Prospecting can be tough.  We can do hard things. Let me give you 10 best practices that if you put them into play, I guarantee it will up your game.  Your one-stop-shop for training in every area of sales–including prospecting– is The Sales Hunter University. Click...

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10 Pro Tips to Succeed in Sales

10 Pro Tips to Succeed in Sales

If you’re reading this right now, I already know you want to be successful in sales. You’ve come to the right place, but what will you do with what you learn here? Don’t just read and forget. Take notes. Share with a colleague! Make a plan for how you’ll use these 10...

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The Ultimate Prospecting Guidelines: Part 5

The Ultimate Prospecting Guidelines: Part 5

My whole mission is to help you prospect effectively. Because sales is without a doubt the greatest profession, but you've got to master prospecting.  This is the last installment of this five-part series on 50 Prospecting truths. Remember, you can download the whole...

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The Ultimate Prospecting Guidelines: Part 4

The Ultimate Prospecting Guidelines: Part 4

Prospecting is not for the lazy or timid. Prospecting is for the smart and bold. The number one reason why salespeople don't cut it in sales is because they failed to prospect. I don’t want that to be you! I desire great selling for you, and that starts with great...

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The Ultimate Prospecting Guidelines: Part 3

The Ultimate Prospecting Guidelines: Part 3

Sales is all about having the commitment to serve and the passion to sell. This 50 Prospecting Truths series is to reignite your passion for prospecting–and that means helping people and solving problems.  I invite you to read Truths #21-30, reflect, and see what you...

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The Ultimate Prospecting Guidelines: Part 1

The Ultimate Prospecting Guidelines: Part 1

Business does not operate without sales, sales does not operate without prospecting; prospecting is the foundation from which all business is built. Prospecting is always evolving, but some truths are absolute.  Whether you’re new to sales, or an old pro, consider...

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How to Accelerate Second Half Selling

How to Accelerate Second Half Selling

The first half of the year is now in the books. Time to kick back and relax…. Just kidding! Time to figure out the game plan for the second half. Regardless of whether you made your first half number or missed it, here are 6 things that you need to do right now for a...

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7 Pricing Rules to Close More Deals

7 Pricing Rules to Close More Deals

Just because the customer asks for your price, doesn’t mean you have to deliver it right then and there.  In fact, there are a few reasons why you definitely shouldn’t lead with the price.  I want to talk to you about 7 rules for how to present your price so that...

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10 Reasons Why I Love Sales More Than Ever

10 Reasons Why I Love Sales More Than Ever

Sales is an industry that has a tremendous amount of turnover, but I love sales.  I've been in sales for over 30 years and I love it now more than ever.  That definitely wasn’t my attitude when I started out. So why do I love it so much, and now even more than before?...

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10 Best Practices to Sell in the Summer

10 Best Practices to Sell in the Summer

Summer is not a time to just kick back.  It’s normal to get a little pushback on prospecting during the summer months due to vacations, holidays, et cetera. Once you get deep into the summer, some customers want to kick meetings into the fall. Whoa, big risk. Let me...

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5 Ways to Improve Your Sales Skills

5 Ways to Improve Your Sales Skills

“Leaders don't see success as a destination, they see it as a journey to take others on." Wherever you’re at on the totem pole, I’d bet there’s room for improvement. Do you want to get to the top? If you’re looking to grow your career in sales by any measure, these 5...

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15 Dos and Don’ts of a Profitable Sales Process

15 Dos and Don’ts of a Profitable Sales Process

Your sales process is a vital element of your success. A process that’s simple, sustainable, and scalable can make you the author of your own fate.  How does your process measure up to these 15 Dos and Don’ts? Today’s blog brought to you as a sneak peek into the new...

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7 Ways to Upgrade Your Network

7 Ways to Upgrade Your Network

Is your network causing you to rise, fall, or is it nonexistent? Who doesn't wake up in the morning and say, "Man, I want to be in the president's club. I want to be at the top of the food chain. I want to be the number one person on my sales team." Surely you don't...

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7 Truths for Mastering Your Mindset

7 Truths for Mastering Your Mindset

There is no reason to think that your mind isn't capable of doing amazing things.  It’s incredible that your mind could ever tell you, "You can't do this. You can't do this." Unfortunately, that’s what most average salespeople hear. However, the top performing...

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6 Ways Great Salespeople Master Their Time

6 Ways Great Salespeople Master Their Time

Who is in charge during your day, YOU or TIME?  As a sales professional, your time is valuable. And wasted time is wasted money. Let’s explore 6 time management skills that could propel you to the top. Today’s blog is part of a series inspired by this month’s...

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10 Time Management Strategies for Salespeople

10 Time Management Strategies for Salespeople

What does it take to move to the next level? What does it take to become a truly great salesperson? I continue to argue that time is our most valuable asset. What you do, and don’t do, with your time can make or break you as a successful salesperson.  Here I’ll share...

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How to Know if a Prospect is Worth Your Time

How to Know if a Prospect is Worth Your Time

Is your pipeline a water tap or a sewer line? Too many salespeople have a pipeline that is really nothing more than a sewer line because stuff is just plugging it up. I’m talking about prospects that are sitting there, but  not going anywhere. So how do I keep this...

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How to Nurture Your Network

How to Nurture Your Network

There are three levels of network that I believe are essential to your success. It's called the Network Triangle, and you need each part for your network to be strong and complete. You need people to be accountable to, that’s your mastermind.  You need knowledgeable...

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5 Ways to Make Monday Your Money Day

5 Ways to Make Monday Your Money Day

Mondays are, without a doubt, the most powerful day of the week. What can you do to ensure that you’re not just making calls but also making a profit on Mondays? These Monday motivation tips come from my book, A Mind for Sales. It’s easy to get discouraged, or even...

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5 Tips to Never Discount Your Price Again

5 Tips to Never Discount Your Price Again

When we run out of arrows in the quiver, it’s amazing how we revert to price.  Bam! A buyer has backed you into a corner, discounting seems inevitable, and you’re wondering, “How did I get here?”  What if you never had to be in that position again?  Check out these...

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6 Pricing Strategies for Success

6 Pricing Strategies for Success

The price a customer will pay is a reflection of the value you create.  When learning about your prospect becomes knowing your customer, you can customize that value. There are six things you should know and have in your prospecting tool belt before you present your...

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5 Pricing Rules I Wish I’d Known Earlier

5 Pricing Rules I Wish I’d Known Earlier

Presenting your price with confidence is vital with costs going the way they are in today’s economy.  How can you maximize your revenue and avoid buckling under requests for a discount? In addition to these five rules, I have a lot more to share with you about pricing...

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5 Solutions to Common Pricing Mistakes

5 Solutions to Common Pricing Mistakes

When faced with objections to price, what do you do? Here are five mistakes that aren't setting your up for success when you present your price--and what do to about it. It is possible to avoid discounting! Today's blog is brought to you by this month's Pricing...

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Your Price Reflects Your Confidence

Your Price Reflects Your Confidence

All salespeople, at one time or another, have had their price challenged.  What do you do when that situation arises?  As much as everyone in sales would like to consider themselves “great closers,” in reality, many are weak when it comes to this important skill. ...

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7 Prospecting Myths Debunked

7 Prospecting Myths Debunked

The phone call is where the prospecting happens.  Sure, I love using email. It’s a great tool. But you can’t rely on email. You must be on the phone making it happen.  I hear a lot of prospecting myths in my line of work. They drive me crazy! It’s time to set the...

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The 6 Best Times to Call Prospects

The 6 Best Times to Call Prospects

What drives your customers to make decisions, and when? Are they driven by certain things that happen in their calendar? Or  in their industry? This blog is brought to you by my Phone Prospecting Masterclass, available at The Sales Hunter University. This course...

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How to Write the Perfect Prospecting Email

How to Write the Perfect Prospecting Email

If you’re reading this blog, I’d bet you’ve sent a prospecting email, or two. In fact, you may think you write a compelling message. But where are the results? Could there be a few email prospecting pitfalls you’ve had?  Today’s post is brought to you by my Email...

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5 Choices for a Successful 2022

5 Choices for a Successful 2022

There is only one thing we can’t make more of and that’s time. The new year is already here–what do we want to make of it? I choose to look at 2022 as the year of unlimited opportunity, and I see that not only for myself, but for you too.   Regardless of where we’re...

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The Best of 2021

The Best of 2021

2021 has been as unique a year as any.  To my loyal readers, thank you for joining me this year as we sought to better ourselves, increase our sales, and excel in our industries. A very Happy New Year to all. Let’s take a look back and remember some of the Best Blogs...

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3 Secrets to Accomplish Your Annual Plan

3 Secrets to Accomplish Your Annual Plan

What’s the best way to execute your annual plan? What can I do on a regular basis to move myself forward?  The following three habits are going to apply to anybody and everybody. Let’s delve into how to execute your plan in a way that you can increase your chances of...

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What Every Annual Plan Needs

What Every Annual Plan Needs

You can make an annual plan, but your plan's got to be executed. It can't just be a dream. It must include things you know you can achieve.  So what are the elements to consider when you draw up next year’s plan? Here are 8 things every annual plan needs.  I share...

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9 Key Elements of a Strong Annual Plan

9 Key Elements of a Strong Annual Plan

What’s the difference between productive and busy?  Being productive means you’re generating revenue or focused on goals.  Being busy is everything else. Which would you rather be next year? I want to help you create an effective and helpful Annual Plan this year. In...

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Why You Need an Annual Plan

Why You Need an Annual Plan

Your annual plan in and of itself cannot be the end. It's really just the start.  Preparing for the year ahead brings many benefits, including those that come via the process of just sitting down and creating one. Assessing yourself and your business can bring about...

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When is the Best Time to Ask for a Referral?

When is the Best Time to Ask for a Referral?

Asking for a referral doesn’t have to be scary. In fact, most people are more than willing to help you.  All you have to do is ask.  Asking for a referral is not limited to any specific time frame. However, these are six opportunities that act as great reminders for...

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How to Create a Referral Network

How to Create a Referral Network

A referral network is a constant exchange of information and contacts between like-minded people. If you don’t have one, you definitely want one.  When done right, a referral network is a self-feeding machine in which you're getting referrals regularly.  Because your...

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How to Ask for a Referral

How to Ask for a Referral

If you want to fill your pipeline, go with referrals.  You’ll never get the referrals you don’t ask for. There are plenty of ways to ask, but the most important thing is to ask. Looking to build your confidence for getting referrals? I’ll walk you through each step in...

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10 Tips to Get More Referrals

10 Tips to Get More Referrals

Without a doubt, the easiest, most efficient and cost-effective way to build your business is with referrals.  You simply cannot say, “But what if we haven't been in business long enough to get referrals!” Excuse me, you've been on planet earth, haven't you? That...

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The 9 Best Sources for Sales Leads

The 9 Best Sources for Sales Leads

Quality leads turn into qualified prospects. If you’re not happy with the quality of your leads, it’s time to check your sources.  You wouldn’t keep going back to the same apple stand if you always got rotten apples, would you? You’d probably go where you’ve bought...

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10 Tips to Fill Your Prospecting Pipeline

10 Tips to Fill Your Prospecting Pipeline

You can fill your prospecting pipeline with a lot of ‘leads’, or with quality prospects.  Clogging your pipeline with bad leads that can’t or will never become customers costs you in lost time and lost money.  I believe there are some ways to ensure you’re putting the...

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How to Know if a Lead Qualifies as a Prospect

How to Know if a Lead Qualifies as a Prospect

Does your lead even qualify as a valuable prospect?  Your time is valuable. Your skills are valuable, too. So before you get too cozy with any lead in your pipeline, it’s worthwhile to take a moment to evaluate. Is this a prospect I can move forward with, or just a...

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10 Easy Ways to Be Successful on LinkedIn

10 Easy Ways to Be Successful on LinkedIn

What does your LinkedIn profile say about you?  LinkedIn is not only a tool for you to showcase yourself, but more importantly, how others can find you. Of course, LinkedIn has its own search function, but remember LinkedIn is also connected to Google Search. Want to...

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Why Prospects Fail to Respond

Why Prospects Fail to Respond

Sometimes your prospect breaks up with you and you’re left wondering...why? Or worse, they’ve never wanted to talk to you in the first place.   “It’s not you... it’s me,” might take you back to some terrible high school break up. Every action has its consequeces. I...

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What Prospects Want to Hear

What Prospects Want to Hear

Your time is valuable, as well as your prospects’. When you find a good prospect, you don’t want to lose them because you said the wrong thing. I want to equip you with seven things prospects want to hear. Keep these in the back of your mind as you communicate with...

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How to Keep Prospects Engaged

How to Keep Prospects Engaged

When engagement increases, so do sales. If after the initial contact you lose sight of the plan, you could lose everything. And you can’t afford that.  Cultivating a relationship with a prospect involves time and effort. But there are some simple ways that you can...

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Phone Prospecting Shortcuts

Phone Prospecting Shortcuts

The phone can and should be an amazing tool for prospecting. I wouldn’t be sharing these tips every week if I didn’t feel I could really help you. I've gleaned this, and I've perfected these shortcuts over years and years of working with salespeople, and helping them...

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Prospecting Using the Phone

Prospecting Using the Phone

When you need to pick up the phone to make a prospecting call, what do you feel--dread? Or determination? The phone has not gone out of style. I still think it’s a great tool for prospecting and really connecting with people. I’d like to share ten strategies so you...

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What Makes a Good Prospect

What Makes a Good Prospect

If you want a good prospect, you must know--what is it you're looking for? Just like seeking a spouse, a car, or a new home, you should start by having an idea of what exactly you’re looking for. If you’re going to cultivate a relationship with this prospect, it would...

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Are Your Goals Big Enough?

Are Your Goals Big Enough?

Are your dreams big enough to scare you, even a little?Recently I was in Atlanta a few days before Outbound begins. Outbound, if you're not familiar, is a conference I get to put on with a few of my friends. It's big--we're in the Atlanta Georgia World Congress...

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Pick Your Friends Wisely

Pick Your Friends Wisely

Who are the friends you're hanging out with? Remember when your mom told you as a kid, "Be careful who you hang out with at school." I used to get so angry at my mom for telling me who to hang out with and who not to.  And yet, it really stuck with me, and still does...

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Prospecting and Avoiding the Cold Call

Prospecting and Avoiding the Cold Call

No one on either end of the phone line enjoys a cold call.  It doesn’t have to feel cold, and there are steps you can take to use the phone more successfully.  Put yourself in the prospect’s shoes.  Under what circumstances would you want to listen and engage with...

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Focus on One Thing

Focus on One Thing

How many times have you found yourself totally out of control with way too many things to work on? It's been a hard lesson for me to learn again, and again, and again. How many things are we attempting to do at one time?  via GIPHY We all live a crazy life. I didn’t...

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Email Phrases You Should NEVER Use

Email Phrases You Should NEVER Use

I don't want you falling into the trap of bad prospecting emails. You know what I'm talking about, you've received plenty of them.  This is the final installment in this Email Prospecting blog series. Did you miss one? Find the links here: Part I. 10-Step Checklist...

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The Light at the End of the Pandemic Tunnel

The Light at the End of the Pandemic Tunnel

­It's amazing how quickly things have returned to normal. It's as if the past never occurred. What does that tell us?We are coming out of the pandemic now. Well, we're still in a pandemic, but clearly here in the United States, it's getting under control. Stores are...

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The Aftermath of Being on Autopilot

The Aftermath of Being on Autopilot

­Two cups of coffee, one unexpected, but I sure learned a lot.What did I learn from two cups of coffee in twenty minutes?  Let me set the scene for you. I was meeting a friend for coffee. I bought my coffee and  sat at the table and thought, “I better check my phone...

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Email Phrases You SHOULD Use

Email Phrases You SHOULD Use

People want to buy from those they know, like, and trust. Likewise, your emails are much more likely to be successful if your prospect views you as a partner, and not a vendor.  How can I achieve that through the simple medium of email? Let’s explore phrases you can...

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My Best Travel Year Yet

My Best Travel Year Yet

­When changes happen, big or small, how do you react? In light of the pandemic we’ve all experienced for the past year and a half, someone recently asked me, “So, do you miss traveling?” I had to laugh.  I said, “ "Well, it's kind of funny, but I traveled more in 2020...

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Filling the Sales Pipeline

Filling the Sales Pipeline

You don’t have to live by the peaks and valleys most salespeople experience in their sales pipeline. Are you looking to see more progress in your own workflow--from prospecting, to closing the sale and creating a customer? Check out these 10 tips for filling the sales...

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Short-term Thinking Clouds Long-term Success

Short-term Thinking Clouds Long-term Success

­How many times do we get caught up in something very short-term, so much so that it begins to shape our thinking long-term? Recently, I was stuck in a major rainstorm in Dallas. I pulled into a parking lot at a Barnes and Noble. Yeah, I’m addicted to bookstores. I...

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Is My Tech Helping or Hurting?

Is My Tech Helping or Hurting?

What are the apps and tools that you've got in your life?  Imagine this: I just pulled into a parking lot, and I had to back up a little bit. Of course, I have a back-up camera. In fact, I’ve got the self-driving features on my car also. I think of all the things that...

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Old Becomes New Again

Old Becomes New Again

I'm out traveling today, and I’ve been pondering how old becomes new. How the impossible can become possible. For almost a year, I really wasn't on many planes. Sure, I took a few flights, but not many. In contrast, now airports are busy, and there are mask...

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Power Mornings

Power Mornings

­­ It is just a little before 7 am right now and I have arrived at a restaurant to have breakfast with a friend. This morning, I am reflecting on the beauty of the first several hours of the day. I know it may sound ridiculous that I get up at 4:30 every morning, but...

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We All Need Coaches

We All Need Coaches

­­If you know me, you know that I have been speaking for a number of years. I have had this consulting business for about 21 years now, as well. It has been very successful, and I have had a good run. It’s been terrific. Yet recently, a few months ago, I hired a...

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How to be a Rainmaker

How to be a Rainmaker

Are you a rainmaker or are you a rain barrel? Too many salespeople are really nothing more than rain barrels. They have good business, but it is all business that just comes to them. I want you to be a rainmaker; that is where it happens. Rainmakers make it happen 365...

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The Days Don’t Remain Cold

The Days Don’t Remain Cold

It's spring and what does that mean? Winter is finally over. As I look around the neighborhood behind me, I see cherry blossom trees starting to bloom. The grass is green and there are little sprouts popping up. The weeds, too. What I cannot help but think is in the...

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How to Get Out of a Sales Slump

How to Get Out of a Sales Slump

How do you overcome a sales slump? We have all been there. I talk about this more in my book, A Mind for Sales, and right now I am offering a special deal on the A Mind for Sales Masterclass through The Sales Hunter University.  I encourage you to get it; it will...

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How Much Margin Do You Have?

How Much Margin Do You Have?

Stop and ask yourself this question: Do you have any spare time? If you’re like me, your calendar is full all day long. I had a gentleman call me who really wanted to talk, and we couldn’t find time in our schedules. We are squeezing it in tomorrow morning during a...

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Snow Stakes and Your Boundaries in Life

Snow Stakes and Your Boundaries in Life

It’s a spring day in Omaha, which means it is time to remove the snow stakes. Those of you from southern climates are going, “What is a snow stake?” They are stakes you put in the ground so that you can tell where to plow or where not to plow. These stakes are only...

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Why Setting and Achieving Goals is Hard

Why Setting and Achieving Goals is Hard

I talk about goal setting in A Mind for Sales, and I have just launched a new "A Mind for Sales" masterclass on The Sales Hunter University, too. I want you to hit the link at the end of this blog because I am going to give you an offer to get this limited-time...

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Resources and Reserves in Our Life

Resources and Reserves in Our Life

Do you want to get up on the deicing truck to deice the plane so it can take off safely? Think about that for a moment. That is a job I would not want to have. In fact, I look around out there behind me and I can see other vehicles, too. There are some luggage carts,...

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4 Stories Great Salespeople Tell

4 Stories Great Salespeople Tell

As an experienced sales professional, no doubt you already tell a few stories. But how do you know you’re telling the right ones? Which stories are the most important that you should you be telling? That’s a question Paul Smith has thought a lot about. He first...

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The Sale I Turned Down

The Sale I Turned Down

Have you ever talked your way out of a sale? That’s what I just did. I just talked the customer into not buying from me on a pretty substantial sale. Let me walk you through the details in this edition of Mornings with Mark. About a week and a half ago, I got an...

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The Door in Your Life

The Door in Your Life

It's 71 degrees in the house. I step outside my front door here and it's 8 degrees. What does that have to do with Mornings with Mark? It is only a door that separates me from 71 degrees inside and the 8 degrees outside. It’s maybe a three- or four-inch door but it...

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10 Ways to Use Social Media to Sell

10 Ways to Use Social Media to Sell

It’s time to have that awkward conversation. How do you use social media to sell? In two of my books, A Mind for Sales and High-Profit Prospecting, I really talk down on social selling. I talk down on it because social media can become a time vacuum for too many...

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Your Inner Circle

Your Inner Circle

Who are you collaborating with this week? Who is in your inner circle? The last couple of days, I have found myself connecting with my peer group in ways that I never thought I would be able to. While asking them questions to help with ideas and brainstorming, it’s...

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How to Effectively Prospect with Email

How to Effectively Prospect with Email

How do you use email effectively to prospect? Everybody uses email to prospect because it's so easy, but let's talk about how to use email effectively to prospect. I am going to share 10 tips with you that you can be doing right now. I put out new videos and sales...

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Change Your Position

Change Your Position

For this week’s Mornings with Mark, I am sitting in a cool, retro office break area. There are all kinds of retro books, clocks, trophies and transistor radios around me. It has me thinking about everything from the past today. Stop and think about this: What from...

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10 Ways to Make Prospecting Work

10 Ways to Make Prospecting Work

Let’s not kid ourselves: Prospecting is tough. It is hard. I wrote the books, High-Profit Prospecting and A Mind for Sales, because in order to prospect right, you have to have a mind for sales. I want to walk you through 10 ways how you can make prospecting work. Be...

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What Road Am I On?

What Road Am I On?

What is the road you are traveling down? I’m in a brand-new building today (It’s been around for a number of years but it’s the first time I have been in it today) and it is set up with a number of hallways; it’s a fairly retro and cool building. As I have been...

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Are You a GPS for Someone?

Are You a GPS for Someone?

If I were to ask you if you use Google Maps, I have a feeling you would say yes to using either that or using Siri/Alexa. (I better not say that, or it’s going to turn on.) We all have devices that provide directions for us and thank goodness. It feels like I have...

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How to Overcome Objections

How to Overcome Objections

Every week, I put out a blog post and YouTube video on very specific tips and ideas as to how to actually deal with issues all salespeople – or leaders in general – face. Today, I am going to share with you 10 ways as to how to overcome objections. I talk about these...

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What my Broken Mask Taught Me

What my Broken Mask Taught Me

It can’t be that complicated. How many backups do we have to have? You know what I'm talking about? The mask! Earlier today, I quickly left my house to go to FedEx and mail a package, no big deal. I jump out of the car with the mask in my coat pocket and grab it – the...

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Secrets of Top Performing Salespeople

Secrets of Top Performing Salespeople

I’m going to reveal to you the secrets of top performing salespeople. Are you ready? I have had the privilege of writing A Mind for Sales among other sales-oriented books to help people like you develop the strategies necessary for success. Along the way, I have...

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What are you focused on today? What is the big thing you are working on? I have a funny little expression, "Smoke a little dope, jump a little rope, lose a decade along the way." I don't know where I came up with that expression – and don't rip me apart for it – but...

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I have been home for months. Over the past ten months, I have made four or five trips, but not anything like the ones I used to make. What is amazing is how my business has adapted and changed in the midst of a pandemic. It is amazing what we are able to do, and –...

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Little Things Done Consistently

Little Things Done Consistently

I'm not sure why it is, but I seem to do my best thinking when I'm out running. It is a beautiful day in Nebraska, yet I could not get out until almost 5pm. It may be getting dark, but I could not pass this weather up. This run had me reflecting on the little things –...

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Challenges in Life

Challenges in Life

I can’t help but say I am struck the sun came up this morning. Over the last few days, I have had some unbelievable, difficult phone calls with people calling me and sharing challenges in their life. This is definitely not a normal period of time that we are in right...

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Right now, I’m going to talk a little bit about integrity.  I just finished up some sessions that got me thinking more about integrity and how I live it out. Honestly, it’s a shame that I even have to talk about this topic. I am continually amazed by the number of...

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Sales Training School

A Mind for Sales: for salespeople feeling stressed out, burned out, and bummed out. If you’re a sales professional, this book is written just for you. Get your mind right and close more deals with this new business development book.


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