
There are multiple uses for AI, some you may not have thought of. 

I’m all about helping you find and retain better customers that you can close at full price, and using ChatGPT certainly works. 

AI isn’t going to replace you. It’s going to help you prospect more efficiently, and more effectively. That’s why I love the tool. Here are ten uses you can try today.

1. Define your ideal customer

Ask GPT specific questions. Get specific about what it is that you’re looking for. 

What are the outcomes that you create? Who are the customers that would benefit most from your outcome? It’s going to help you define who your ideal customers are. 

Dive into your own ICP with Mark’s in-depth Ideal Customer Profile Masterclass. Enroll now!

2. Prepare a rough draft

Emphasis on the rough draft. ChatGPT can help you write a rough draft of an email, or a presentation. 

Don’t use it as the final word, but use it as a starting point.

3. Understand what questions to ask

What questions should I ask a customer?

Who is looking for X?  See what ChatGPT comes back with.

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4. Write scripts and talking points

Again, these are starting pieces, not ending pieces. Use your best judgment. Nevertheless, it’s going to give you ideas that you can run with for your next interaction with a prospect. 

5. Get information regarding prospects

Let’s say you have a specific prospect that you’re going after, or a specific company. Ask GPT what’s going on in that company.

What are the major business issues this company is dealing with in the current year? You can even ask about a specific department, or specific people.

6. Industry information

Ask: What are the ten big issues this (specific) industry is dealing with right now? 

Check out How to Use ChatGPT and AI to Sell

7. Identify prospects

In other words, who are people who would benefit from using this type of service, this product, whatever it might be?

This is going to help you get names, titles, contact information. 

8. Ideas and information about the customer’s business

ChatGPT, what does ‘X’ company do?

How long have they been in business?

Who are their key customers? 

9. Future trends

Ask ChatGPT, what are some of the big issues that this industry could be dealing with? 

Or, what are some of the regulations that this industry could be dealing with on a regular basis? 

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10. Downstream insights 

Who are the types of customers that they sell to? How do they use it? 

What’s going on in their customer’s industry? In other words, find out about your customer’s customer. 

The Era of Specialization Is Here!

Episode 107 out now! Listen anywhere.


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How to Love Sales and Have Fun

w/ Jake Thompson

Comparison is the thief of joy and contentment, but what if we decided to be in competition with ourselves instead?

Available Thursday, 6/15 — Listen anywhere!

Copyright 2023, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of A Mind for Sales and High-Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results.

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