How Salespeople Can Organize Their Time AND Goals

Let’s talk about how you can maximize your year end. 

This is Part I of a 4-Part Year-End Sales Strategies series. 

You must know, if you don’t have your goals in place and don’t understand how to leverage your time, there’s no sense of even trying to get to the end of the year. 

That’s not you though, right? Let’s finish the year strong with these 10 tips. 

1. Know your gap.

Your gap is not where you are currently with your business and where you need to be. I mean take all the business that you already have in the bank and what you know is coming–what you absolutely know is coming. That’s the total, and then subtract that from what you need, that’s your gap. 

Know what your gap is so you know what you’re chasing for. Because otherwise how do I know

via The Office on GIPHY

2. Know your calendar. 

Now, the fourth quarter of the year is really weird. It’s a short quarter because of all the holidays. So, understand that it’s not a traditional 13 week. Additionally, put in place which holidays you’re going to be off. Is there any other time off that you’re going to be taking? Mark that in your calendar right now so you begin to understand how many days you really have. 

Listen to more tips like this on this week’s episode of The Sales Hunter Podcast: 7 Year-End Strategies to Maximize Your Success.

3. Your company’s calendar

When is your company going to be closed?When’s it going to be open? When’s the last day for orders to be processed or credit apps to be taken? Get that in your calendar and then your customer’s calendar. 

via CmdrKitten on GIPHY

4. Your Customer’s Calendar

Your customers are going to be closed certain days. They’re probably going to have a last day that they’re going to receive orders or they’re going to place POs, whatever it might be. 

Have this conversation now with your existing customers. They’ll be shocked! “Hey, you know what? I hadn’t even thought about it. You’re right. I need to find out.” Bring that issue up to your current customers and they’re going to thank you for it. But more importantly, you’re now going to be ahead of the game.

5. Eliminate non-revenue actions.

I’ve got to work on closing the gap. I don’t have time to worry about reorganizing this project or working on something else. That will just have to wait. 

Instead, you need the maximum amount of time to close the gap with activities that generate revenue and help me meet my  year-end goals.

6. Weekly goals

You know that I love talking about your annual goals, your quarterly goals, but you need to have weekly goals. Break down your gap and what you need to get done into weekly goals, and you have to become absolutely maniacal about them. 

It’s getting focused on the activities. That means keeping your mind on the tasks that will bring you closer to your goals, and not just focused on the numbers. 

Take inventory of your goals, then get them (and yourself) to the next level with the Goal Setting Masterclass at The Sales Hunter University. 

7. Time allocation

Okay, what time am I going to allocate to each one of these things? If I don’t allocate time, it’s not going to happen.  

Too many times what happens is we set the week up, but there’s no prize, no penalty if I don’t achieve it. 

via CBC on GIPHY

Read How to Create More Time for Selling.

8. Be accountable

Who are you accountable to? Don’t just say it’s your boss. Are there peers? Is there a mastermind group? 

This is like having a coach. Coaches help hold people accountable. See, I can set my weekly goals and I can have time allocation, but if I’m not accountable, it’s not going to happen.

9. Stay on task.

This is why you do time allocation. You literally put it in your calendar, and you block your day so you know exactly what you’re going to be doing when. 

I run a company, consult for companies, prepare and give keynotes, coach salespeople, write and shoot masterclasses, make videos like this one for my audience, and host two podcasts. THIS is how I stay on task, because I know when I have a gap to fill, and these are the activities I have to do to fill that gap. 

via Eva on GIPHY

10. Celebrate your wins.

You may be just racing full speed ahead, but take the time to celebrate your wins. You achieved something significant! 

It’s amazing when you celebrate your wins, regardless of how small they might be, how your brain begins to think differently, and it’s amazing the success that you’ll begin to have. 



This week on The Sales Hunter Podcast…

What does a day in the life of a 7-Figure Salesperson look like?

We welcome Brandon Bornancin to drop some wisdom on believing in yourself, and doing whatever it takes to reach your goals–even the really really big ones. 

Check your favorite streaming service for episodes of The Sales Hunter Podcast! Subscribe so you never miss an episode. 

What you missed on Monday…


That’s right, The Sales Hunter Podcast will be dropping Monday episodes in addition to our regular Thursday content!

This week Mark is talking Q4.

How can you achieve shorter sales cycles and new or greater revenue before year end? Listen in as Mark shares his 7 Year-End Strategies to Maximize Your Sales





Copyright 2022, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of A Mind for Sales and High-Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results.






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