How to Write the Perfect Prospecting Email

If you’re reading this blog, I’d bet you’ve sent a prospecting email, or two. In fact, you may think you write a compelling message. But where are the results? Could there be a few email prospecting pitfalls you’ve had? 

Today’s post is brought to you by my Email Prospecting Masterclass. This sneak peek comes directly from the course. It’s a fan favorite, and if you haven’t enrolled yet, you’ve got to take advantage of the wealth of knowledge it has to offer. Learn how to enroll  here

So, how do you write the perfect prospecting email? Here are seven tips to supercharge your emails for maximum impact.

1. Check your subject.

It’s got to be compelling. This is one of the first things to draw them in. If your subject says things like “Just checking in…” they’ll more than likely delete it before reading. Subjects like that scream, “I’m a salesperson!” and your email will be overlooked.

2. Send it to yourself.

This is a great strategy to see exactly how the prospect will see your email. I suggest following the ‘one swipe rule’. The best prospecting emails are 4-6 sentences. Anything longer than that and the prospect will lose interest. 

3. Don’t waste the first sentence. 

The first sentence is not the place to introduce yourself. Remember, this sentence, or at least the beginning of it, will also show up in their email along with the subject line. This is another chance to draw them in. Introducing yourself is not enticing whatsoever, it says, “this person doesn’t know me.” 

Instead, try sentences which talk about: “New changes regarding this,” “An update on this,” or “What’s your opinion on this?” Anything that can peak their interest.

4. Keep your introduction short. 

You don’t need to go into specific titles. Your name and your company is fine. This is not the place for a long, drawn out explanation of who you are. The details of your work responsibilities are not important here. Instead, keep it simple, and move on.

5. Confirm your expertise.

Here you’re answering why they should work with you.

“I’ve worked with other companies like yours.” 

“We’ve seen this situation before.”

“We’ve been able to help other people through this, and I can share some information with you.”

This section of the email is key if they don’t know you, your service/product, or your company. This is something you should know ahead of time before writing any email campaign. You’ve got to know if you’re educating or converting the prospect. 

Want to learn more about educating or converting? I talk a lot more about this topic in my Email Prospecting Masterclass. Enroll here to up your email game today.

6. Don’t give them an out.

Never say you’ll follow up with them. If there were any glimmer of hope that they were going to call you back, you just lost it. You gave them an out.

Even if you’re going to call them, don’t tell them you’re going to call them. The Call to Action must lead them to want to communicate with you first

Because if you call me, I know that you’re more engaged, and that it’s a convenient time for you.

7. Consider whether to include your website, or company logo. 

If your company is well respected and well known, go ahead, put your company logo in.

However, if you put your website in, will they potentially disqualify you because of it? What I mean is, don’t give them too much information where they can make a decision without you. Take a moment to analyze that risk before moving forward. 


There’s so much more to see and learn in the Email Prospecting Masterclass, including:

  • ground rules
  • when to email
  • how to locate emails
  • monitoring the results of your emails

I’ve included some sample emails at the end of the masterclass workbook, too. 

I’ve had the opportunity to help sales teams around the world improve their emails, and see results. I want to help you too. You can get that same training for $59, all from the comfort of your home office! Get the masterclass now. 

Copyright 2021, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter” Sales Motivation Blog.  Mark Hunter is the author of A Mind for Sales and High-Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results.


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