50 Prospecting Truths 1-10: It’s Your Job!

Prospecting is not an afterthought. Prospecting is the foundation sales should be built upon. Furthermore, sales is what business is built on, and business is what drives the economy. If you remove prospecting from the equation, business and in turn the economy will be affected very quickly.

Several years ago, I created a list titled “20 Sales Truths: The Guide to Sales Freedom.” I have now expanded that document to a list of “50 Prospecting Truths.” Starting today, I will share 10 of those truths with you. Next week, I will share 10 more and so on. This week’s list of truths 1-10 is called “It’s Your Job!”

To be successful, you cannot rely solely on others, however, when it comes to prospecting, many salespeople do. They tend to rely on others to do what they should do. I believe salespeople are doing this for one of two reasons: first, they feel it is beneath them to do it, like it’s a task that either marketing or new salespeople should be handling for them. In fact, when salespeople do this, I think they are doing it so they have someone to blame when they miss quota. The second reason people are relying on others in prospecting is because they are simply afraid of rejection. Studies consistently show that number one reason why salespeople quit the profession is their inability to generate enough leads that they can close to be successful.

Here is part one of “It’s YOUR Job!” and the 10 prospecting truths centered around you:

1. Accept reality: It’s your responsibility to prospect. Do not rely on others for your leads.

2. Prospecting is not something you do when you have time or don’t have enough business. Prospecting should be a daily activity, just like showering.

3. Prospecting is a muscle. Like any muscle, it must be regularly worked to remain healthy.

4. Thinking about prospecting is not prospecting. You might be thinking of your prospects, but they are probably not thinking about you.

5. Networking is not prospecting.

6. The perception of bad leads is just that, a perception. Bad leads are a result of a bad process or mindset. Fix the mindset and the process, and you’ll fix the leads.

7. Be thankful that sales is not easy. It’s the reason why there is so much money to be made in sales. Let’s face it, if sales was easy, it wouldn’t pay well.

8. Always know that it will probably take you at least twice as many attempts as you think to engage a prospect.

9. Don’t start what you can’t finish. Follow-up is the norm, not the exception.

10. Prospecting is not about you. Prospecting is about the prospect.

There you go! That is the first 10 as part of “50 Prospecting Truths”. Chew on them for a while and then get serious about the one that most speaks to you. Honestly, my goal is to make you feel uncomfortable with these 50 truths, but that’s the best way for me to help you.

I would love to hear your thoughts. Let me know what you’re going to do differently after reading these 10. See you next week with truths 11-20 as I talk about your prospecting plan. The following week, I’ll share truths 21-30 on the art of the sales call. Part 4 with truths 31-40 then deal with social media, email, and prospecting. The final part with truths 41-50 will discuss how to have success in prospecting.

Don’t forget: A coach can help you excel in your sales career. Invest in yourself by checking out my coaching program today!

Copyright 2019, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales ResultsProspecting is not an afterthought. Prospecting is the foundation sales should be built upon. Furthermore, sales is what business is built on, and business is what drives the economy. If you remove prospecting from the equation, business and in turn the economy will be affected very quickly.

Several years ago, I created a list titled “20 Sales Truths: The Guide to Sales Freedom.” I have now expanded that document to a list of “50 Prospecting Truths.” Starting today, I will share 10 of those truths with you. Next week, I will share 10 more and so on. This week’s list of truths 1-10 is called “It’s Your Job!”

To be successful, you cannot rely solely on others, however, when it comes to prospecting, many salespeople do. They tend to rely on others to do what they should do. I believe salespeople are doing this for one of two reasons: first, they feel it is beneath them to do it, like it’s a task that either marketing or new salespeople should be handling for them. In fact, when salespeople do this, I think they are doing it so they have someone to blame when they miss quota. The second reason people are relying on others in prospecting is because they are simply afraid of rejection. Studies consistently show that number one reason why salespeople quit the profession is their inability to generate enough leads that they can close to be successful.

Here is part one of “It’s YOUR Job!” and the 10 prospecting truths centered around you:

1. Accept reality: It’s your responsibility to prospect. Do not rely on others for your leads.

2. Prospecting is not something you do when you have time or don’t have enough business. Prospecting should be a daily activity, just like showering.

3. Prospecting is a muscle. Like any muscle, it must be regularly worked to remain healthy.

4. Thinking about prospecting is not prospecting. You might be thinking of your prospects, but they are probably not thinking about you.

5. Networking is not prospecting.

6. The perception of bad leads is just that, a perception. Bad leads are a result of a bad process or mindset. Fix the mindset and the process, and you’ll fix the leads.

7. Be thankful that sales is not easy. It’s the reason why there is so much money to be made in sales. Let’s face it, if sales was easy, it wouldn’t pay well.

8. Always know that it will probably take you at least twice as many attempts as you think to engage a prospect.

9. Don’t start what you can’t finish. Follow-up is the norm, not the exception.

10. Prospecting is not about you. Prospecting is about the prospect.

There you go! That is the first 10 as part of “50 Prospecting Truths”. Chew on them for a while and then get serious about the one that most speaks to you. Honestly, my goal is to make you feel uncomfortable with these 50 truths, but that’s the best way for me to help you.

I would love to hear your thoughts. Let me know what you’re going to do differently after reading these 10. See you next week with truths 11-20 as I talk about your prospecting plan. The following week, I’ll share truths 21-30 on the art of the sales call. Part 4 with truths 31-40 then deal with social media, email, and prospecting. The final part with truths 41-50 will discuss how to have success in prospecting.

Don’t forget: A coach can help you excel in your sales career. Invest in yourself by checking out my coaching program today!

Copyright 2019, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results

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8 Responses

  1. I know that keeping prospecting as part of my sales process and being interested in being of value to the client, in the long run, proves out.

  2. Thanks for jump start! Hoping you will expand more on #10 in the next batch of “Prospecting Truths” other than the obvious: problem solving discovery.

  3. As a sales professional and manager, this is one aspect of the sales process that has always been paramount in my career as well as working on developing the same skill with those that I coach. It was a daily part of my sales day. I would take a short lunch break and use part of it to call on a new company. Throughout my 30+ years as a sales professional, I have found this to be the most important part in my success.

  4. I love sales, and your content is spot on..! but how do you respond to leads who do not give you time to talk, like they ask you point blank “what are you calling for”? (you don’t get to prospect them, you answer them to receive a YES OR NO OR HANG-UP)
    Do you think all the sales knowledge out there with expertise on b2b is one size fits all?

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