
Are you making your Super Bowl follow-up phone calls?   If you missed it, I blogged the other day about how crucial the Super Bowl can be from a networking standpoint.  Now is the time to follow through.

Remember — you don’t have to keep your discussion only on the game.  Don’t hesitate to ask people  what they thought of the commercials, or how they spent their evening watching the game.  There are plenty of things you can build a discussion around and there’s no easier way for you to allow your personality to come through than by asking someone a non-threatening question.

Something else to keep in mind if you think football only appeals to men — you’re wrong.  There are many studies that have show nearly ½ of all NFL fans are women, so don’t hesitate to ask women the same questions you’d ask a man.   I love doing this because when you do ask a female who is a big fan, they many times will be so excited you asked. They often will share a ton of information with you.  If you don’t feel comfortable asking a question regarding the game itself, then like I said earlier…ask about the commercials. It’s a very safe question.

One final note: As customers share with you information, make sure you record it in your contact management system. It is helpful to have this information handy so you have topics of interest to bring up in the months to come.

Copyright 2011, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog.

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