Email Prospecting and the One-Swipe Rule

Do you know how your prospecting emails look on a smartphone? Most likely, you are drafting your prospecting emails on a laptop or desktop and you think they look good. I hate to break it to you, but they probably don’t if you aren’t following the “one-swipe” rule.

If you haven’t heard of this rule, don’t worry! You are not alone. Most salespeople have not heard of it either, and that’s why I want to share it with you. The one-swipe rule is where your email can be read on a smartphone with only one-swipe. If your prospecting email requires that the person scroll for 3 miles to read it, forget it, they won’t read it.

Grab my ebook along with more tips on this subject here!

Take a moment to think about how you look at your emails on your tablet or smartphone. If it’s long, you probably just click delete, because it takes too much time to scroll through it. It’s a pain! This is especially true with emails from people you don’t know or regarding topics that are not important or relevant to you.

Don’t expect for a moment that just because you wrote your email on a laptop they will read your email on a laptop. Recent studies show that more people view emails on a smartphone than on a laptop. Before you send your next prospecting email, first send to yourself and take a look at it on your smartphone or tablet. I think you’ll be surprised! The key is to keep it short and to the point. If you don’t grab the prospect’s attention in your first ten words, you’ve lost them.

Never send an email without checking it against the one-swipe rule! I have a brand new ebook that goes deeper into this subject of using email to prospect. Grab your copy today! Also, be sure to click on the link in the ebook to a 42-minute video of me sharing more insights.

Once you read the ebook and watch the video, share your thoughts with me. I would love to hear what you think and answer any questions you may have. Sales is not a solo activity; sales is a team sport and we’re on the same team.

Copyright 2019, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results

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