So Many People Deny They’re in Sales. Why?!

I run into people on nearly a daily basis who claim they are not in sales.

It doesn’t matter if they work for a major company or are self-employed, they have this belief they’re not in sales.

They say how what they do is not sales, yet when they tell me what they do, it’s obvious they are indeed selling!

Come on people. Quit denying it.

You’re in sales!

We’re all in sales! 

We’re selling each time we communicate with another person, whether it be in person, on the phone or on the internet.  Why do I say this?  One reason is that regardless of what you’re doing, in the end you’re either gaining insight about something or someone — or you’re sharing an opinion about something or someone.

In both cases, you’re selling.

Every interaction we have is, in reality, a sales transaction.

I’m on this tangent lately because I’ve spent a fair amount of time with some very intelligent and talented people who have used a number of excuses to try to convince me what they do is not sales.

All I can do is stand in amazement and wonder how much more successful each of these people would be if they would simply embrace the realization they’re in sales.

If they would get over this pre-conceived notion, they would open themselves up to an entirely new world of opportunity.  

Sales is not the dirty word too many people have come to believe.

Today’s society and the speed  at which information is shared does not allow the stereotypes of salespeople from the 1970s to exist today.

Regardless of what your title is, it is essential that what you do is sell.   Unfortunately, in the world of small business, too many business owners don’t realize this truth until it’s too late. They and every employee working for them are in sales.

If you’re in HR, engineering, finance, legal, marketing or anything else, guess what — you’re in sales! We all wear the sales label.

The sooner people stop thinking of sales as the ugly duckling, the sooner they’ll achieve a higher level of success, regardless of what their job descriptions says.

Copyright 2012, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog.





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