
Customers are trained to ask for a lower price. They’re conditioned to push back. Never respond to an objection regarding price until you’ve heard the customer protest it at least twice.

The issue of price is not one of absolute price point. It’s one of absolute price value. The customer will always ask for a lower price until they feel they’re getting the value they’re looking for. This is a key reason why I’m a firm believer in taking the time to question the customer to find out what their needs are and what they believe are the real benefits they’re looking for from what you’re selling. The best way to respond to their request for a lower price is by asking them a question referencing the top benefit they’ve mentioned to you. By putting the discussion back on the key benefit, you’ll get them reflecting on why they want to buy from you in the first place. Discounting a price is simply a “no-win” game for you, no matter what you might be thinking at the time. If you discount a price, you will never make up the lost revenue.

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