A big problem many salespeople have is knowing how to get the customer talking.
Too many times the customer either doesn’t say anything or responds with nothing more than one or two word responses. In this sales tip video, I share how you can get the customer to open up by using what I feel is one of the sales techniques to get the customer talking.
The best way to get the customer engaged in the sales process is by asking them short questions.
Too many salespeople think when they ask long questions they’ll get a better response. Too bad they think this way, because it only serves to confuse the customer.
Whether you’re trying to close a sale or understand better the needs and desired benefits of the customer, being able to get information from them is critical.
What makes this approach so effective is matching it with body language and a sincere desire to listen to what the customer has to say. Customers many times feel the salesperson doesn’t care about what they have to say.  The opportunity here is to be focused in listening to the customer and ask them questions that get them talking.
The beauty of this approach is its simplicity and the fact you can use it in any type of selling situation.
Set yourself a goal to ask at least two short questions on every sales call whether it be in-person or on the phone.
Use the technique for a week and then you will see for yourself how the information you receive from the customer is better and far more engaging than what you were receiving before.
Copyright 2012, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog.