
A quick way to help you achieve more sales success in 2013 is first by taking credit for everything you accomplished in 2012 and second by never forgetting all the success you had.

It’s easy to do, and in the end, will give you a huge amount of satisfaction.

Take 20 minutes and review your 2012 calendar. Look at the meetings you had.  Review your sales by customer. Review all of your activities and make a lengthy list of all of your accomplishments.

Some of you who have been following me for some time will have an easy time doing this, because you’ve been recording your successes each week. Congratulations on having the list completed already!

Your objective is to make a long list of what you accomplished.

After you have that list, go back over it and make another list of just the top 5 or 10 biggest accomplishments.  When you have that list completed, put it in a prominent place on your computer, such as your screen saver or even your desktop.

If that doesn’t fit you, then print out several copies and keep them handy on your desk, in your car, or wherever you find yourself frequently.

Making the list will help you feel great about the year you just finished and, more importantly, it will give you some great energy for next year.

As we start 2013 and move through the year, you’ll be reminded of the successes you had in 2012 and these will in turn help spur you to more success in 2013.

The marketplace is full of twists and turn and the vast majority of things we can’t control, so my belief is be ready by taking control and being in the best state of mind that will allow you to deal with whatever comes along.

Let’s make 2013 a huge success!  If you want to be sure to get a jump start on that goal, sign up for my free Monday video tips.  See the below link for details!

You won’t want to miss it:

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