
Good morning! It’s Mark Hunter, “The Sales Hunter”, here for another Mornings with Mark. As you can see, I have a little different setup sitting here with 100 books in front of me signing up for an event.

I love being able to share this book with so many people. It’s got me thinking if you’ve thought about the impact that the written word has on people? Have you thought about the written word of your text messages? Recently, something struck me and that is how much text messages can take on one theme, emails portray another, a book comes across even another way, and videos totally different. It’s absolutely crazy how much the messages can get mixed up.

One of the reasons why I wrote the book of A Mind for Sales was to be able to get my message out and with clarity. However, like any book, it takes some time to read. I get it.

Stop and think about this for a moment, though – how are you communicating with people? I think about this all the time, and it’s brought me to the conclusion that our emotions play a much bigger part in how we communicate than what we actually say. I was quite emotional in the book and yeah, it came across. I can’t help but think how that translates into emails or conversations. Right now, your emotions come through as much as your words do.

This is one of the reasons why a text message takes on one flavor, an email takes on another, and every form of communication, takes on different flavors. At the core is the emotional response that the person who reads it receives. That’s what strikes me. When I look at why is it that sometimes people can say something and people just blow it off, but then a person can sit there and say the exact same thing, is because the emotion resonates. It’s because of the emotional response and the baggage that comes with the person who said the words.

I’ve had the privilege of writing several books. As a result, I’ve been able to develop a following. A Mind for Sales is my third one, people actually perceive this book differently when they’ve read my first two.

For a second, think about this thing called emotional baggage or emotional communication. I don’t mean emotion in a negative way. I mean it positively, but it has a greater impact in the world today as everybody is kind of tense. We’re all living in a tensed-up world. It’s almost a little bit like a freak out mode.

People are a little more on edge and as a result, emotions are closer to going off the deep end. I can personally attest to this. I’ve caught myself as my wife has told me multiple times to calm down and quit reading the news so much. I don’t spend a lot of time reading the news – maybe 10 – 15 minutes per day; however, sometimes when I share something that I read or watched, I get too worked up and emotional. This happens because my emotions get to the edge.

I must be cautious in how I say things, and you do too. Have this question in your head whenever you’re about to speak to someone – how will the person on the other end emotionally receive what I’m about to share? Yeah, think about that.

Thanks for tuning into another Mornings with Mark and listening to some of my new thoughts. I hope you’re enjoying them, because I enjoy bringing them to you every Friday morning.

Copyright 2020, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter” Sales Motivation Blog.  Mark Hunter is the author of A Mind for Sales and High-Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results.


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