5 of the Best Prospecting Tips You Can Use NOW!


Yes, these are all proven to work, and I’ve got plenty of emails from folks to prove it.

5 of the best prospecting tips you can use now…

58/2 Phone call

Many people are simply hard to reach due to the number of meetings and conference calls they have on their daily schedule.

A very effective way to reach these people is by calling them between 58 minutes after the hour and 2 minutes into the next hour.

If there is one time of the day they might be free, it’s during the top of the hour, as they are often between meetings.



Saturday Morning Message

Senior level people don’t turn off work on the weekend.  The weekend is many times their only time to dig into emails and other items they simply did not have time to get to during the week.

Sending a personalized email  at 6:00 AM on a Saturday morning can be huge.  The person receiving is working and, in turn, they see you’re working too.

Just don’t make the big mistake and fail to monitor email through the weekend yourself.  If they email back, you don’t want to be seen as the lazy salesperson who responded Monday morning — a full two days after they sent you a response.

75 Character Email

People check their email on smart phones and tablets, which means we need to make sure our subject line and the first couple of words of a prospecting email aren’t wasted on something stupid like saying who you are and your company name. Think ad copy for both the subject line and the first sentence.

11-14 Second Voicemail

Long voicemails are a killer!  Keep it short and tight as a way of showing how much you value the other person’s time.  Yes an 11 to 14 second voicemail is possible, but you have to know what you’re doing.

Leverage Holiday Weeks

Many times holiday weeks find people in a totally relaxed mood and far more willing to talk on the telephone or even to see people.

Use the time to connect with those people you haven’t been able to reach other times of the year.  Doing so also demonstrates your commitment to helping customers by working during these periods.

break-though-universityThese are only the start and yes there’s a lot more behind each one.

If you’re serious about building your business, check out Breakthrough Sales University. You won’t regret it.

Copyright 2015, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Selling: Win the Sale Without Compromising on Price.

Click on the below book cover for more info on boosting your profits!

High-Profit Selling

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