Based on the comments I received from last week’s tip of 6 Ways to Get Prospects to Open Your Email, I wanted to give you a few more tips.
Here are 5 more things you need to do:
1. Alter the time of day you send out emails.
When sending out more than one email to the same person, make sure you alter the day and time of the week.
Most people adhere to the same schedule week in and week out, and that means you need to vary the days and times you send your emails.
1.1 Never send out prospecting emails on a Monday morning.
Monday morning for most people is the time to get the week set up, and that includes digging into email. Don’t think the person is going to open your prospecting email, as it is just one of many emails they are trying to sort through. I’ve always contended Monday morning prospecting emails have the highest unopen rate.
2. Create a concise call-to-action.
Don’t use the email merely as a way to inform. Your objective is to engage the reader by getting them to respond to you. Be specific as to what you’re asking them to do by making it simple and clear.
3. Use Saturday mornings to reach senior level people.
Senior level people don’t ignore email on the weekend. They’re engaged 24/7. Make the email personal and send it on a Saturday morning. Just don’t forget to monitor email yourself all weekend too.
If they respond to you on a Saturday, the biggest mistake you can make is not responding to them until Monday.
4. Use Sunday early evening to reach mid-level people.
Mid-level people may not be focused on work over the weekend, but by Sunday night, they are turning their attention back to work and thus looking at email.
With it being Sunday evening, they tend to be a little more laid back and relaxed and thus more likely to open and respond to your prospecting email.
5. Don’t start what you can’t finish!
Sending a single email to a prospect simply is not enough. Use email as one of your prospecting tools and be prepared to reach out to a prospect as many as 6 times in a four or six week period before drawing any conclusion.
An approach I advocate for many salespeople is to contact a prospect 6 times in a four to six week period, then step away for 90 days and then repeat the process.
Copyright 2015, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Selling: Win the Sale Without Compromising on Price.
Communication is everything