
How does your sales motivation match your goals?  2008 is just a couple of days away and by now I would hope you have detemined what your sales goals will be for the new year.  Guess what?  You’re not done.  If you have your goals completed, go back and increase them by another 25%.  Do it and do it now!  You need to because you’ll never hit what you don’t aim for!  Don’t settle for eating pork & beans (or maybe someting worse).  If you aim for steak, then you’ll either end up eating it or something much better than pork & beans at the very least.  My point is this:  If you don’t set your goals high enough, you’ll never hit anything worth acheiving.  Sales motivation requires you to push yourself and there’s no better way than by developing and executing a plan that will help you acheive results greater than what you expected. 

Instead of ending this with, “Wishing you a great 2008”, I’d rather say, “Expecting you to acheive your best in 2008!”

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