One of the toughest prospecting challenges is simply getting connected to the right person. The number of roadblocks seems to grow more each day, and yet the task remains the same — to reach the decision maker.
There are 10 ways to get past the gatekeeper that I highly recommend. Plan to also join me in an upcoming webinar I am doing Dec. 22. I will be discussing these and other strategies to get past the gatekeeper in whatever form they might appear.
You can register for the webinar at this link. Even if you can’t make it live, sign up now and you will receive a replay.
Here are 10 ways to get past a gatekeeper:
1. Don’t assume the gatekeeper is only the gatekeeper. Many times the gatekeeper is the decision maker; they are just not going to let you know they fill that role. If in doubt, ask them the same questions you would if you knew you were talking with the decision maker.
2. Leverage social media to find other contacts within the company you can reach out to. As I like to say, if the front door is closed, simply find another door where you can enter.
3. Contact the decision maker directly through social media such as Linkedin. If you use this approach, your strategy must be 100% focused on what the prospect would feel is important to them. If you come across as simply selling or pitching them, they have every reason to cut you off at the knees.
4. Use the telephone during non-normal hours such as before 8 AM or after 5 PM or even during lunch. If you’re being blocked by a traditional gatekeeper, remember they too have work hours and take lunch. Working around their schedule will many times get you connected.
5. Use the holidays to your advantage. We’re fast approaching the holidays, which means many companies go into slow mode. This means people who would not normally answer the telephone or respond to an email will suddenly have time to do so.
6. Use multiple methods to reach the person. I’m always amazed at how many salespeople say they only use email to prospect. The phone works great too… use it!
7. Reach out and contact another division of the same company to find a contact who may in turn route you directly to the person you’re trying to reach.
8. Contact the sales department of the company you’re trying to reach. I love this approach and the results are amazing. When you contact the sales department, you will most likely be connected to a new salesperson who will be more than willing to help if they feel you will do the same for them. This approach is a quid pro quo route, but I’ve rarely found it to not work.
9. When dealing with an administrative assistant, treat them the same as you would the decision maker by asking them the same questions you would the decision maker. The admin is trained to block people from the people they support unless they have real value. You show your value by engaging with them in the exact same way as you would the decision maker.
10. Call after hours and use the automated response system to connect with the voicemail box of the person you’re trying to reach. I agree it is not the live phone call you’re looking for, but several very good voicemails can go a long ways to having the decision maker see it might be in their interest to not have the gatekeeper keep you out.
This is just a start on the number of strategies you can use to get past the gatekeeper. Check out my book, High-Profit Prospecting, and don’t forget about the webinar! It is Dec. 22 for a fast 40 minutes. Register today! If you can’t make it, still register to get the full replay.

Copyright 2016, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Selling: Win the Sale Without Compromising on Price and High-Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results.
2 Responses
Hi Mark,
great tips as usual many thanks for sharing them with us. – Barry
Interesting,these sales tips are of great importance,universally paramount as they can work both on product selling and service selling.