
Not many people dream of having a career in sales. Let’s be real here: sales was probably not your first choice. For many of you, although afraid to admit, sales wasn’t even your second, third or fourth choice.

Some of you reading this are thinking to yourself, “Mark you’re smoking something funny.” Calm down. Although I used to live in Oregon, I haven’t smoked anything. You see, sales was not my first or second choice. Frankly, I first wanted to be a radio DJ, but after assuming that wouldn’t go well for me, I decided to go into advertising.

Sales is what I fell into. I’m glad I did, though. My professional journey in sales began decades ago. With each passing year, I become more and more enamored with the profession. Here are the 10 reasons why I love sales:

1. Sales is about helping people. 

It’s an occupation where you spend your time helping those around you.

2. Sales deals in the impossible.

It’s about helping people see and achieve what they didn’t think was possible. So yes, it’s about helping, but it’s more than that. As a salesperson, you create opportunities and deliver outcomes no one else can.

3. Sales is about continuous learning. 

Not a day goes by where I don’t learn something new. When you’re in sales, school is always in session. You could say that that being a life-long learner should apply to everyone. Nonetheless, when you have the opportunity to sell to many different people and entities, learning just comes naturally.

4. Sales is about the unexpected. 

I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t always appreciate the unexpected, but over the years, I’ve learned to embrace and expect it. When the unexpected becomes the expected, it is amazing how that can change a person’s outlook on life. I’ve learned to roll with things and understand what I can impact and what I cannot.

5. Sales is about unlimited opportunities. 

There are no limits in sales; it is a profession that offers countless choices. The only limits in sales are self-imposed.

6. Sales is about being an optimist.

I viewed myself as an optimist long before I got into sales, but being rejected as often as you do in this profession, you become an even bigger optimist. Call me crazy for thinking that way, but it is amazing what happens when you view everything with a positive mindset.

Read more about what it takes to have a mind for sales.

7. Sales creates relationships.

Throughout my sales journey, I have been able to meet so many different people from all walks of life, each with their own, unique story. The long-term relationships that have developed have been a huge benefit. This is something I never saw coming when I started in the sales profession.  I didn’t see how impactful it is until now.

8. Sales is about overcoming obstacles.

I am thankful that sales is not for the timid or the weak. The issues I’ve had to deal with over the years, and what I’ve learned from each one has without a doubt made me a better person. I have no doubt that my project management and process development skills are much better today than they were years ago. The pressure of sales has helped me refine those skills.

9. Sales offers unlimited rewards. 

I’ve been able to do and achieve far more thanks to being in sales. From Super Bowls to remote islands in the Philippines to speaking in front of thousands, sales has provided me with amazing rewards.

10. Sales provides personal satisfaction.

I cannot imagine spending numerous years in sales just sitting behind a desk punching numbers or anything else. The personal satisfaction I’ve gained has shaped my outlook on life and how I view everything.

Sales is not a solo activity; sales is a team sport. These are my 10 reasons why I love sales; I trust that they are yours too.


I’d love to share more about how I keep a positive mindset, as well as a wealth of knowledge on everything from filling your pipeline, to prospecting, and following up. The Sales Hunter University is a place for salespeople who are hungry for proven strategies for success.

Check out The Sales Hunter University for this month’s Masterclass. Or, consider becoming a member and get access to the entire course list of masterclasses, plus perks like workshops and live coaching.

What sales skills do you need to improve? The Sales Hunter University is the place to do it, from the comfort of your home or office, at your own pace.


Listen in to the conversation this week on The Sales Hunter Podcast… 




Copyright 2019, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter” Sales Motivation Blog.  Mark Hunter is the author of A Mind for Sales and High-Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results.

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