Which is More Effective: Your Prospecting Plan or Going to a Casino?

What’s your answer?  Be honest with yourself when you answer.  I hate to say it, but I suspect going to a casino may very well be more productive.  At least by going to the casino, you may have some fun if you enjoy gambling.

Look at the results you achieve with your prospecting, and I bet the odds are worse than you’d find playing roulette. For some of you, your results may even be worse than slot machines. We need to be honest with ourselves and realize that’s a crazy way to make a living.  If our odds are worse than a casino, there’s little chance we’ll be in sales for very long. Maybe this helps to explain the high turnover that exists in the profession.

Below are a few questions you need to ask yourself:

Is my process built on activity or achieving results?   We can’t rely on numbers to tell the story. It’s the story behind the numbers that counts.

What is the role of time in my process?  We have to look at this from two sides — our side and how we use our time and the prospect’s side and the level of time we’re expecting from them.

Do we even know who our perfect customer is?  If we can’t identify our perfect customer, then we’ll never be able to describe our perfect prospect.

Can I identify and put a value on the top 5 outcomes I help customers achieve?   It’s not what we sell that matters; it’s why we sell that counts. And if we don’t know the value of the outcomes we provide, we will never be anything other than a desperate salesperson.

Where does prospecting fall in my list of responsibilities?  Nothing contributes to sales frustration more than being torn between too many priorities.   Solution lies not in having too many priorities. It lies in how you structure your time.

Join me July 19 for a special FREE webinar where I dig into the issue of your pipeline:

Rebuilding Your Prospecting Process
Thursday, July 19
11 am Central Time

And don’t forget that a coach can help you excel in your sales career! Invest in yourself by checking out my coaching program today!

Copyright 2018, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results

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3 Responses

  1. Many thanks Mark, one thing is for sure and that the odds are always stacked in your favour. — Barry.

  2. Starting over in a new industry, I have now spent the first couple of weeks determining the profile of that dream client, or at least lots of mini-dream clients that I am after…I kind of go back to that Field of Dreams moment where it says “Build it, he will come”. I will build that pipeline with lots of mini-dreams knowing that through hard work and dedication to the plan, that big dream client will come. Thanks for the constant strength that your words provide!!

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