2021 has been as unique a year as any.
To my loyal readers, thank you for joining me this year as we sought to better ourselves, increase our sales, and excel in our industries.
A very Happy New Year to all. Let’s take a look back and remember some of the Best Blogs of 2021.
Which do you remember? Which one is a great refresher? Let me know in the comments.
1. Prospecting and Avoiding the Cold Call
“No one on either end of the phone line enjoys a cold call. Put yourself in the prospect’s shoes. Under what circumstances would you want to listen and engage with someone about a product or a service?”
Read more here.
2. 10 Tips to Get More Referrals
“Without a doubt, the easiest, most efficient and cost-effective way to build your business is with referrals.”
“Asking for a referral is not hard, and once you do it a few times the process will become second nature to you.”
Read more here.
3. How to Know if a Lead Qualifies as a Prospect
“Your time is valuable. Your skills are valuable, too. So before you get too cozy with any lead in your pipeline, it’s worthwhile to take a moment to evaluate. Is this a prospect I can move forward with, or just a suspect? “
Read more here.
4. Prospecting Using the Phone
“You can’t be good at something you never practice. One of the biggest differences I find between those who have success with the phone and those who don’t is they simply aren’t using it. The telephone is like a muscle, and you’ve got to use it enough to strengthen it and get into a repetition.”
Read more here.
5. How to Get Out of a Sales Slump
“Don’t kid yourself – even top performers have sales slumps. The key is how quickly can you get out of the sales slump?“
Read more here.
6. How to Be a Rainmaker
“Rainmakers make it happen 365 days a year, regardless of what is happening around them.”
“Rainmakers are never content with the business they get from a customer. They always believe there is more business to be had from every customer.”
Read more here.
7. ABC: Always Be Closing is Now ABV: Always Bring Value
“You create value by actually understanding what the customer is looking for. You understand what the customer is looking for not by telling them, but by asking them questions.”
Read more here.
8. What Does it Take to Have a Mind for Sales?
“Seeing sales as a lifestyle means that it is not a job and it is not something you tune in and tune out of. Sales is something you do all the time.“
Read more here.
9. 10-Step Checklist for Prospecting Emails
“Remember, if you read an email on a smart device, you’re only seeing a part of it. So, if that subject line or that first sentence doesn’t pull you in, they’re not going to read further. They’re going to delete it.”
Read more here.
10. How to Re-Engage the Customer Who Has Gone Dark
“Customers are really only going to deal with their top one or two priorities, so you have to create a sense of immediacy.”
“I love calling people who have gone silent and asking for their opinion. If I ask for their opinion on an issue that I know is of importance to them, it is amazing how frequently I get a response back.”
Read more here.
At The Sales Hunter we continue to produce top notch content that we know can help you.
Join us next year for more learning and hot topics. Remember to check out The Sales Hunter University to take your skills to the next level. Choose from Levels 1, 2, or 3 and join our learning community.
Colder weather makes for a great time to stay inside and read a good book. I wrote A Mind for Sales for salespeople who need a refreshed approach to the business. I share my own strategies and daily habits that I know can bring you success.
Check it out here and get your own copy now!
Copyright 2021, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of A Mind for Sales and High-Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results.