by Mark Hunter | May 5, 2021 | Sales Leadership
You’ve heard of ABC: Always Be Closing. Let me tell you something: The days of ABC are gone. It’s closed. ABC is now ABV: Always Bring Value. I want you to be thinking about this in every conversation you have. It is always about bringing value. Be sure you pick up my...
by Mark Hunter | Jan 6, 2021 | Sales Leadership
It’s time for the 2021 sales predictions! You know, every year I always get asked, “What are your sales predictions?” And you know what? I like giving them and here is why: It gets us all thinking about what is going to happen in the year to...
by Mark Hunter | Dec 29, 2020 | Sales Mindset, Sales Motivation, Sales Process
I’d like to share my 11 sales resolutions with you. I think sales is an absolutely unbelievably amazing profession, but really, I don’t like to call it a job. I see it as a lifestyle that is a privilege to live. As we approach the New Year – 2021, here are the 11...
by Mark Hunter | Nov 5, 2020 | Sales Leadership, Sales Motivation, Sales Prospecting
Mark Hunter: Hey, isn’t it cool that we have VanillaSoft as our sponsor? Pretty cool! Meridith Elliott Powell: Yeah, they’re an impressive company. Not only with the product they produce and what they do in the sales arena. Also, they are a promotions...
by Mark Hunter | Jun 22, 2020 | Sales Mindset, Sales Motivation, Sales Process, Sales Prospecting
One thing I find in sales is that it’s really about relationships. It is all about understanding the person and both parties understanding each other. This begins with transparency. Are we being truly transparent with whom we come in contact? Video – Companies...