It’s time you quit thinking that your inability to close sales is the reason you’re not more successful. Yes, this can be a problem, but far more often I find the problem is at the top of the sales process and how you prospect.
There’s a simple equation we can’t forget: Bad Prospects = Bad Customers. I believe the failure to focus on who to prospect is the single biggest struggle for salespeople.
If you don’t know who your perfect customer is and the outcomes they gain from buying from you, then how will you ever know who you should be targeting when you prospect? Just because somebody takes your phone call or responds to an email doesn’t make them a qualified prospect.
When I’m coaching salespeople, I challenge them on the need to narrow their focus and to be laser tight as to who to be spend time and resources on. I know a lot of you are saying how you can’t give up on any prospect or lead because it’s only a matter of time before they will buy.
Hey, I applaud the positive attitude, but you can’t forget you only have so much time and you need to close sales now, not 10 years from now.
When you zero in on a specific type of prospect, it’s amazing how much more confident you will be and how much faster prospects will see value in you. The reason for this is simple — You truly understand them, because you’re not wasting time trying to understand every person in the free world.
Tighten your prospecting and you’ll speed up your sales cycle and you’ll in turn close more sales. If you want to get serious about your sales, I encourage you to join my coaching program at this link.
Copyright 2017, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results.
Good reminder!