
Is Monday a good day to sell or a bad day?

This is a question that has been around for years but here’s the bigger problem I have with Mondays.  Too many Mondays are flat out wasted regardless if the person thinks it’s a good day to sell or a bad day.

When a salesperson uses Monday to organize themselves for the week or has to endure sitting through a boring sales meeting to review the numbers and countless other things, it’s no wonder Mondays wind up killing sales.

First let’s cover the facts.

Fact #1: Monday represents 20% of the workweek.

Fact #2: Nobody gets 20% of the year as time off for vacations, holidays, etc.

Fact #3: If salespeople waste Monday’s getting organized and sitting in useless meetings, then they’ve lost 20% of their time.

There is a point to drive home. We can’t afford to spend Monday’s going through paperwork that we probably already went through on Friday afternoon as we were winding down the week.

It’s time to stop shuffling paper and doing stuff we think is important when in reality it’s not.

If you’re a sales manager reading this and you hold a weekly meeting on Mondays as a way to get people focused and ready, ask yourself this question:  “Is what I’m doing truly getting people ready or is the meeting more to allow me to say I’ve done my part?”

Answer it honestly.

Too many sales meetings are there for the benefit of management and not the salespeople out making calls.   I can hear the roar of applause from salespeople all over the world as they’re reading this right now.

Monday is a selling day!

Make it a selling day by cutting out the unproductive stuff and looking at how you can gear the selling machine up faster.  One way to do it is by using the new Monday morning sales videos I’m going to be putting out each Monday morning starting in January.

The videos won’t be more than two minutes and will contain a very quick specific message to jumpstart you and your team.   There’s no cost. Once you sign up, you’ll receive a link to grab Monday morning or whenever you are ready.

Below is the link to sign up.  You’ll receive the videos beginning in January!

Yes! I Want the Monday Sales Video!

Copyright 2012, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog.


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