
Do you struggle with prospecting by phone?

For many salespeople, having to make prospecting telephone calls is one of the most difficult parts of their job.

Problem is many times their failure to have a process is the reason they’re not successful.

If you want greater success in prospecting — and more sales! — then you absolutely must focus your calls by industry or type.

You do yourself a huge favor by finding ways to categorize the calls.   By putting them into common categories, you can begin to take advantage of information, and the more information you have, the more comfortable you’ll be when you’re calling.

Example is if you’re selling software to a wide number of companies and organizations, then don’t just call at random. Focus by key industry.  So, one week you may focus on the health care industry and the next week you may focus on the automotive industry.

You get the point.

If you sell only to a particular industry, then you can break it down by segmenting your categories by organization size or the title of the person you are calling.

However you break the the categories down, the objective is the same:

Being able to leave a voicemail message or have a conversation that actually is productive.

Remember that the number one thing in the voicemail message is the benefit statement, because that statement must connect with what is of value to the prospect.

If you’re making phone calls at random, there is just no way you’re going to have effective benefit statements.  Should the person answer the phone, there’s little chance you’re going to be ready with the 3-4 questions you’re going to need to get the conversation going.

Want to know more about other specific techniques like these that can revolutionize your prospecting efforts?

I have a new on-line training program I think every salesperson who wants a fuller pipeline and more profitable sales should invest in immediately.

My Sales Prospecting program is exactly that — an investment in yourself that will result in a return.

Click on the below icon now, and you will be on your way to upgrading your sales.







Copyright 2012, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog.


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