A referral blitz can be a great way to jump start your business.
When you call up current customers and mention your company is doing a referral blitz, you will be surprised at how many people will give you names of people you could contact.
Key is to frame the wording in a specific way that will increase the likelihood that your customers will help you.
Check out the below video to see how a two-week “referral blitz” could boost sales for you and your company:
Copyright 2013, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog.
One Response
Customers don’t care that you’re having a referral blitz. And, you don’t just want a name. Referral selling is a daily activity. A referral means you receive an introduction. If you just get a name, you’re cold calling.
Connect with your customers and colleagues and ask for an introduction to your ideal client.
When referrals become the way you work, you’ll see consistent results. You’ll get every meeting at the level that counts, shorten your sales process, ace-out the competition, and convert a prospect to a new client well more than 50 percent of the time.
Make referral selling a daily habit. Don’t wait.