
“The greatest privilege we have is providing our customers with the privilege to succeed.” – Mark Hunter

What are you doing each day that is allowing your customers to succeed?  It’s not just about what you’re doing for yourself.  It’s also about what you’re doing for your customers!  If you don’t get pumped when your customer wins, then there’s something wrong.  Put yourself in the role of a coach for a winning team.  Yes, the coach embraces the win, but, more importantly, they embrace the fact that their players have won.  The coach gains satisfaction by knowing it was their ability to be coached that allowed the players to win. 

Each day ask yourself, “What can I do to help my customers win?”  You allow them to win with the products and/or services you offer and the service you provide.  You allow them to win with the consultative selling approach you take.  You allow them to win because of the insightful questions you ask.  You allow them to win by demonstrating leadership in your selling process and your relationship with them.  In reality, you win when they win.

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