
I was pleased in my recent sales survey to see such optimism from the respondents.  83 percent said that sales will increase in 2011! 16 percent believe sales will remain at 2010 levels, and NO ONE responded that they think sales will decrease.

Regardless of where you would put your opinion, waste no time in refining your sales skills so your 2011 is one of your best  years yet.  Your sales motivation exists with you — you can either grow it or let it remain stagnant.

An invaluable resource you shouldn’t pass up is the FOCUS network, a site full of experts addressing every business topic imaginable.

Also, we continue to add to our article section, so peruse through the list and see the topics that resonate with you.

I know many of you occasionally follow my blog, but to make sure you don’t miss any posts relevant to your situation, consider the RSS feed or receiving the posts via email.

So, how is your 2011 shaping up so far?

Copyright 2011, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog.

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