
We’re now 30% of the way through the year and it’s time to assess the 2010 goals.  Your sales motivation is either going up or down based on where you’re at with your 2010 goals.  Before getting too caught up one way or another, take a step back and assess where you’re at and what you’re doing to drive your sales development for 2010.

If you’re way ahead in your annual goals, congratulations!  Don’t for a minute, though, think you can rest on your success.  Who knows what could happen. More importantly, use your success to date and challenge yourself to see how far above your annual goal you can go.  Do this by taking stock of your performance to date and identifying the 2 – 3 things you believe contributed the most to your success.  After you’ve identified these 2 – 3 items, ask yourself how you can use them to help you for the rest of the year.

Now, for those of you who are behind in your goals for this year, don’t think for a moment the year is lost.  In fact, for most people being behind early on in the year is par for the course.  Key is to find those 2 -3 things that have gone well for you so far this year and take a moment to congratulate yourself on these items!  Then review each of them to determine what you can learn from them and use in the months ahead.

I’m a firm believer in assuming control of your sales and not allowing yourself to fall into the position of blaming anything or anyone for why something did not happen. It doesn’t matter what failed to happen — you get paid because of what does happen.  Looking ahead,  begin to ask yourself what success do you need to achieve. Don’t view it from the entire year, rather view your goals in a monthly or even weekly perspective. Look to accomplish the smaller piece first by taking 100% of your responsibility for the week and then the month, working your way up to accomplishing your annual goal.

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