Sales Leadership and the Super Bowl

I talk often about the critical importance of demonstrating sales leadership with everyone you meet. I refer to it as “sales is leadership / leadership is sales.” The super bowl was an excellent example of sales leadership. I’m not talking about what occurred on the field during the game. I’m talking about what occurred after the game by what both the winning team and the losing team demonstrated.

Both teams directed their comments to their fans, their supporters, and their opponents in a very professional manner. They exhibited a level of class and respect in both victory and defeat. As I was watching the interviews pf people such as the coach of the losing team, I heard him express his congratulations to the victors. He did so in a manner that was showed 100% class. He made comments referencing his players, their fans, the owners of the team — all with respect. It would have been easy for him or any other member of the Colts to start trash talking, but they chose not to.

This is sales leadership at its finest. I say this because a key element of sales leadership is to always earn the right, the privilege, the honor, and the respect to be able to meet with the other person again. This is what I heard the Colts organization saying. Yes, they were upset at losing and yes they were taking the loss hard, but when they most needed to show respect and maturity, they did so. I have no idea how the team will rebound from the loss. The NFL is certainly full of twists and turns each season. What I do know is that because of the respect they showed in dealing with the loss, they will be in a much better position to work at getting back to the championship game next year.

It’s a good reminder to all of us to take a step back and analyze how we handle defeat. How do you treat others when you lose? Is your sales leadership and sales motivation on display in a truly positive manner that allows you to earn the right, the privilege, the honor, and the respect to meet with the person again?

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