The believability a customer has in you will only be equal to or less than the credibility you’ve established in their mind.
The believability a customer has will determine their belief in the outcomes they expect to receive.
The price they are willing to pay will never be more than the value / benefits they expect to receive.
Ultimately, customers don’t buy anything. They only invest.
Did those four statements leave you thinking? I hope so, because it’s not about price. It’s about the expected returns on their investment you need to be focusing on.
Yes, customers want a low price, but more important than a low-price is a product or service that is going to deliver. The lower the probability the product or service is going to deliver, the lower the price the customer is going to expect.
The entire problem — or I should say opportunity — lies with the job you the salesperson does in developing the credibility with the customer. Do you equip them to understand and value the benefits you’re proposing in what you’re selling?
What are you doing to sell yourself? Ask yourself the following questions:
What questions am I asking to engage the customer?
Am I merely conveying to the customer the exact same information they could have received from the internet?
What is the real value I believe I bring to the customer and would they say the same thing about me?
Do customers view me as an expert? How do I know that?
What information and insights am I bringing to my customers that they can’t find on the internet?
How do I rank versus my competitors with regard to knowledge and support?
You have no other asset that is as valuable as you. What are you doing each day to maximize your personal value with your customers?
Copyright 2015, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Selling: Win the Sale Without Compromising on Price.
Definitely agree, customers don’t buy. They invest on products or services that deliver the benefits they value most.