Question: You say to use first names when you make a cold-call. Should we be concerned that it shows lack of respect (depending on the person we are cold-calling)?Â
Response: No, using first names does not show disrespect. I’d argue that wasting people’s time going through a bunch of formality shows far more disrespect. Today’s business world is such that formal titles are no longer used (US business culture.) Even when cold-calling, I suggest using their first name only. Using their last name serves to confirm that you don’t know them.
I would agree totally with your response.
I would make one other suggestion. When you use their first name, use their formal name not the short form, . In other words, Use Robert and not Bob, or Susan and not Sue. Don’t make the assumption they go by the short form. I learned this lesson the hard way years ago. One day I called a man Jim and he sternly corrected me that his name was James. Let them correct you and tell you, “Please call me Jim”.
I personally find this kind of informality offensive. It is a cheap attempt to infer a familiarity that does not exist. The subtle implication is that you are on my side when I don’t know you at all. I consider it poor business practice.