5 Ways to Make Monday Your Money Day

Mondays are, without a doubt, the most powerful day of the week.

What can you do to ensure that you’re not just making calls but also making a profit on Mondays?

These Monday motivation tips come from my book, A Mind for Sales. It’s easy to get discouraged, or even develop wrong thought patterns in the sales profession. That’s why I wrote this book, to give you practical strategies to change your mindset and succeed in sales. Consider this a sneak peek!

1. Start off on the right foot.

How you choose to spend your Monday will become a key indicator for how you will spend the rest of your week.  

Spending time getting motivated is never your most productive task. Instead, choose action. The most productive activity is customer-facing time. 

Spending time eyeball-to-eyeball with customers starting on Monday will not only open doors, but also give you confidence for the week ahead. 

Remember: Confidence creates confidence. Motivation creates motivation. Momentum creates momentum. And success creates success.

2. Tomorrow starts today. 

Monday does not start on Monday. Don’t allow Sunday to end without knowing what you’re going to do tomorrow. 

Hitting the ground running on Monday will help propel you to success the rest of the week. 

The most successful salespeople are those who know what they’re going to do next week before the current one has ended. Yes, that means I have goals in mind before I sign off on Friday afternoon–and if not before the weekend, definitely before my head hits the pillow on Sunday.


3. Get ahead of the competition.

Monday is 20% of the workweek. You cannot use Monday to organize your week. Your competitor is out there getting business that should be yours because you’re wasting your Monday. Any organization or goal setting should be done at the end of the previous week, or on the weekend. 

Or, go ahead, take Monday off and let your competition have all your business. 

4. Great conversations can happen on Mondays. 

Monday cannot be an excuse to not engage with customers. There are plenty of customers that will talk to you on Monday–even Monday morning!

In fact, calling on a Monday morning sets the tone for what working with you will be like. It shows initiative and confidence. Now you’re seen as someone who wants to help them sooner than later

Plus, Mondays are a perfect time to reach out to existing customers and make follow-up calls. I have great conversations on Mondays with customers, and have even gained incremental sales because I reached out. 

 Read more about the 6 Best Times to Call Prospects.

5. Plan for success before 10 a.m.

Schedule three to five calls that focus on selling–all which occur before 10 a.m. That way you start off your day doing what you do best, selling. 

The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll see results. 


Change your mindset. Change your Monday. 

Want to know more ways to make your next Monday powerful? I have many more tips and strategies in my book, A Mind for Sales. 

In fact, this weekend my publisher, Harper Collins, is offering 50% off their Mark Hunter collection, plus free shipping when you purchase on their Leadership Essentials website.

Feeling stressed out or burned out? It’s time you get A Mind for Sales. 

PLUS A Mind for Sales has even been chosen for a Kindle Goldbox Exclusive! Avaiable for $3.99 instead of $16.99 THIS SUNDAY ONLY!

Set a reminder,  the 3-day sale starts this Friday, 3/11! 

How to Be a Business Consultant and Not a Vendor 

In this week’s episode of The Sales Hunter Podcast, we dive into DISCOVERY vs. DEMO with Mike Weinberg.

How can you make your demo relevant? Mike and Mark discuss how slowing down in the beginning phase can ease the rest of the sales process.

So what does that look like? Listen Thursday morning to hear more! 

Like what you hear? Please leave us a review wherever you listen to your podcasts


Copyright 2022, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter” Sales Motivation Blog.  Mark Hunter is the author of A Mind for Sales and High-Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results.



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