Learning doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Your sales motivation can be positively impacted when you adopt an attitude of gleaning from numerous resources. With the advantage of the internet, salespeople have no excuses today for not finding and applying insightful tips. And the best part? So much of it is FREE! Spend a little time each week finding and learning from articles, eBooks, videos and audios. And don’t forget what I’m always saying — surround yourself with like-minded positive people who won’t negatively impact your sales motivation.
I recently posted a new audio on iTunes called “Sales Motivation and Weekly Goals.” Find it as a free podcast on iTunes under The Sales Hunter.
I also recommend the following websites:
Finding and using the tips that work for you accumulates to sales success!
One Response
Keep up the good workon Sales Motivation: Expand Your Exposure to Valuable Resources | THE SALES HUNTER’S SALES MOTIVATION BLOG. I am making excellent progress thanks to you and others that patiently explain things to me. Hi First time hopped here on your site, founde on ASK. King Pie Send me news to 51*******@o2.pl