Sales Leads and Why Marketing Sucks

How many times have you complained to Marketing about the poor quality of leads they give you?

Isn’t  it amazing how they think they’re doing all of this wonderful work for you when in reality the leads they give you are a joke!  Go ahead and complain some more — tell them and everyone else in your company about how much more effective you would be if only Marketing would get their act together.

Do you feel better now for reading what I just wrote?

I can hear many of you agreeing with me 110% right now. Why? Because it’s true!

Now with that said, it’s time to shut-up, stand up, get out of the mud you’re wallowing in and go out and make it happen.

Quit waiting on Marketing. And while you’re at it, quit complaining about them as well. They’re doing the best job they can.

If you want to be successful, you’re the one who’s going to have to make it happen.  Waiting for Marketing is not going to make you successful.   More time and energy is wasted by salespeople sitting around complaining about why somebody in Marketing or some other department isn’t doing what the salespeople think they should be doing.

Are you comprehending what I’m saying?

It’s you…not anyone else…who is responsible for your success.  The sooner you take ownership and back it up with commitment, the sooner you’ll be achieving improved results.  This is especially true with sales leads.

Don’t complain, don’t whine — just go out and get your own leads.  Don’t tell me you don’t know how. Sorry, that’s not cutting it in my book.

Don’t tell me you don’t have a process or system that works and then proceed to not do anything about it.  That’s your job.  Top performers — those salespeople who prospect with passion do so because they take ownership — take control and don’t allow excuses to enter into the mix.

Yes, things don’t always go the way top performers want them to, but that doesn’t stop them. They figure out a solution and move forward.

Quit blaming Marketing. Quit blaming Headquarters. Quit blaming others.

It’s your job to find quality sales leads. Now go out and do it.

Copyright 2012, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog.

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