
The next time you’re about to give someone your business card, take a moment to personalize it. If you jot your cell number, a home phone number, or some other piece of information that is not already on the card, you will make a positive impression on the person you’re talking to. Chances are the person will never call your hand-written phone numbers, but simply writing them on the card gives the person the feeling that you are placing them in high regard when compared to others that you meet.

Think about it. In today’s high-tech society, the little personalization you put on the card can make it stand out. Regardless of what you write, the difference in color and font will be eye-catching. Take the time to make a connection with the recipient by looking them in the eye as you hand your business card to them and telling them about the hand-written tidbit of information you included about yourself. With competition at an all-time high in the current marketplace, anything you can do to set yourself apart has the potential to earn great rewards.

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