
We can all say we’re ready, but when it happens, we’re still moved.

I had heard Zig Ziglar was ill and his time on this earth was not long, but Wednesday when I heard of his passing, I couldn’t help but pause and reflect on one of the greatest people I’ve ever had the privilege to know.

If by chance you don’t know who Zig Ziiglar is, then you owe it yourself to do some checking around on the internet and become immersed in his views and perspectives.

Zig was without a doubt one of the most optimistic people in the world.

Nothing was ever going to stop him, and he viewed each setback as an opportunity to learn and grow.

I can only imagine how positive he was even as his health failed.  Over the years, I had the opportunity to hear him speak to both thousands and then intimately one-on-one. Each time he was the man who could see nothing but unlimited opportunities.

Zig was the person you craved to meet because each time you heard him speak in front of a crowd, regardless of how big you always felt he was talking to just you.  I can’t even begin to list the number of public speaking tips I learned by watching him.

As big as he was on stage, he was amazingly personable one-on-one.  I still remember talking with Zig and his wife Jean, who he lovingly referred to as “The Redhead,” in the lobby of the Orlando Marriott World Center.  As we stood there with people moving all around us, Zig was focused on one thing, listening to me and our conversation.

The infectious smile and the pride he took being in the company of his wife was a lesson in and of itself.  Even in our short conversation, you could feel his passion for life, tomorrow and the genuine desire he had to help people.

He was a man that achieved balance in everything he did.  I can still hear him saying how he starts each day by reading the newspaper and the Bible, as he wanted to know what both sides were up to.   Priceless Zig!

He was never one to miss an opportunity to casually put his faith out in the open and to do it in a manner that got you to both laugh and think about what he shared.

The achievements of the man who went from selling pots and pans door-to-door in the small towns of Mississippi to being truly one of the greatest masters of influence in this time period is an amazing story all by itself.

A big thank you to his family! Thank you for allowing us to be the benefactors of a person you got to call husband, father, and grandfather.  May we all strive to live our lives the way he lived his.

Copyright 2012, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog.


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