
Businessman sitting in office with personal organizer on telephoIt’s a new year! Congratulations on the opportunity to make it happen for your customers.

Don’t waste it getting ready. Don’t waste it laying out strategies and goals for the year.  Don’t waste it organizing the office.

It’s January 2, and the one thing you must do today is make some sales calls!

Go ahead and let your competition spend January 2 on vacation, recuperating from New Year’s celebrations or merely wasting time getting organized.  For you, the objective is one thing — make sales calls!

Use today to your advantage and as a way to get a leg up on everyone else.  The calls you make today will be totally bonus. In fact, the calls you make tomorrow will be a bonus too.   Reason is simple: Most salespeople will be blowing these two days off.

When you spend January 2 and 3 making sales calls, you’re not only getting the jump on business, but you’re also getting the jump on conditioning yourself to make sales calls.  This is the part I like: Getting in the groove to make it a big year.

If you choose to blow off January 2 and maybe even January 3, then what you’re saying is you’re most likely blowing off the fist full week of the new year.  Why?  It’s simple.

Come Monday Jan 6, you’ll just be starting to think about making sales calls, but you’ll wind up thinking you can’t make them because everyone else is  just getting back into the office, too.

Result is you won’t make any decent calls until Tuesday, meaning the chances of making any sales that first week is greatly diminished.

It’s your choice.

You can spend today getting organized or “planning” the year or you can spend it making calls.

One thing I also suggest you do right now is sign up to receive my Monday Sales Motivation video.  If you’re serious about the year ahead, you need to take 45 seconds each Monday to watch a Sales Motivation video.  Here’s the link:

Yes! I want the Monday Sales Motivation Video!

Copyright 2014, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog.

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