
disruptionPeople who disrupt things simply have more fun than those who have disruption happen to them.

We have all watched industries go through major disruption.

Recently, I was reviewing a chart detailing the cliff the newspaper industry has gone off with advertising.  As a result of this cliff, they’re scrambling to find ways to replace the loss of revenue.

Question we need to ask ourselves is, “Are we spending more time disrupting or are we spending more time dealing with being disrupted?”

I’m not saying we go out and create massive chaos (although at times that might be necessary).  

The disruption I’m talking about is looking at what we ourselves are doing.  How much are you willing to disrupt the processes you do everyday?

What can you change in your sales process? What can you change with how you look at things? Are you married to the steps with which you do everything?

I challenge you to look at what you do — not just on the surface, but also deep down — and determine what needs to be disrupted.

Disruption creates energy. Being disrupted creates stress.

Think about that for a moment.  Disruption creates energy! I believe firmly in this, and if energy is a contributor to success, then it only makes sense to practice disruption.

I’m not looking to make this a complicated process, rather what I’m advocating is, “How can we keep assessing what we do and find ways to improve?”

Sales is the most amazing profession anyone can chose.  Each year I find it to be even more exciting than the year before, and the reason is the energy that is created through disruption.

Your goal today and everyday is to ask yourself what will you disrupt and what will you gain from it.

Copyright 2013, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog.

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