Welcome to the Executive Sales Leader Briefing, a new blog series I am doing every Friday.
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Think about the goals you’ve set for yourself and your team and why some have been achieved and others have failed miserably.
We all know the really hard goals require commitment from you and from every member of the team, but I’ll go one step farther.
I think goals require passion.
When you’re passionate about something, it’s amazing how much focus you’ll have toward it. When you’re passionate about something, it’s amazing how much better the outcome is. Why shouldn’t the same apply to the goals you set for your team?
Your goals might be hitting your quarterly numbers, and you’ll say it’s hard to be passionate about selling widgets or whatever it is your company sells. I’ll agree — it is hard to be passionate about widgets, but you can be passionate about helping your customers and your employees.
Being passionate means being people who are focused. When you are focused, you’re helping achieve a better outcome.
Achieving goals is not a clinical activity carried out by executing routine steps.
Achieving goals is about being committed and passionate about helping others achieve success.
Copyright 2016, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Selling: Win the Sale Without Compromising on Price.