6 Reasons Dogs Can Sell Better Than Many Humans


IMG_1230Yes, this is random but hear me out. 

Dogs can sell better than many humans.

1. Dogs are loyal to those who take care of them.

Dogs learn pretty quickly where their food comes from, and once they know, they become quite focused on the person.

Think about this from a salesperson’s perspective.

Are we as focused on the customers who essentially “feed us” through what they buy from us?

2. Dogs are quick to respond to threats.

As soon as something enters into a dog’s world they perceive as a threat, they will become quite protective of what they value. Think about this from a salesperson’s perspective.

Are we as attentive as we should be to competitors who threaten to take business from us?

3. Dogs are always ready to respond.

A dog could appear to be fast asleep one second and the instant they hear a noise, they respond.  Do we as salespeople respond as fast as we could to new leads and new opportunities?

4. Dogs mark their territory.

Always interesting how male dogs in particular will “mark” an area as theirs.

Do we as salespeople record in our CRM system everyone we contact with and what we know?

5. Dogs are masters at hiding bones and things.

Always intesting how dogs will hide a bone today so they can come back to it at a later day to enjoy.  Do we as salespeople have a plan to keep a full pipeline of business?

6. Dogs have a way of drawing you into them with the way they look at you.

Are you as engaging as you can be?  Are customers attracted to you and do they open up to you when you engage with them?

Yes dogs can teach us a lot! Now it’s time for me to go let my dog Kramer out so he can mark a new territory.

Copyright 2015, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Selling: Win the Sale Without Compromising on Price.

Click on the below book cover for more info on boosting your profits!

High-Profit Selling

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