

You have the customer and the price you’re going to charge is right — at least it is to you. 

Problem is the customer doesn’t feel the same way. They feel the price is too high and they’re refusing to buy.  How should you respond?

Here are 5 ways to deal with the customer rejecting your price:

1. Refuse to budge and state very confidently there are plenty of other customers out there who will pay the price.

State it with confidence and then walk away, making the customer make the next move.  If you play this card, remember you can’t come back and change anything.

2. Ask the customer a question that deals with the biggest reason they wanted to buy from you to begin with.

The customer is interested in what you have to sell based on a desire they have or a problem they need to deal with.  Run with it. Don’t let them forget about why they’re talking to you.  Objective is to them realizing they need you.

3. Break the price down and restate it in a way that reflects total cost of ownership over an extended period of time.

Your offer might be more expensive than others but in the long-run could result in significant savings.

4. Provide the customer with two options.

One option is a higher-priced option that offers even more, and the second option is less, but takes out quite a bit.  Your goal is to give the customer the power to choose.  Many customers like to state a price is too high, merely because it allows them to feel they are in charge.  Giving the customer options provides them with the sense of control.

5. Act completely shocked and dumbfounded at how the customer could feel the price is too high.

This is a risky play but works well with customers who are not self-confident and not sure of what the right move is.  If the customer sees you as the expert, your response can be just what they need to feel buying at the price is the right move.

Copyright 2015, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Selling: Win the Sale Without Compromising on Price.

Click on the below book cover for more info on boosting your profits!

High-Profit Selling

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