
prospecting stepsDon’t lose momentum now.

If anything, you need to pick it up while your competition is still on vacation.

August is a huge vacation month and that means it’s easy to think there is zero business to be had.

Don’t worry about August being a poor month. Instead, race like mad to set yourself up to win big from September to December.

Here are 4 quick things you can do now to set yourself up for a big finish:

1. Develop a list of every prospect who you have not sold to so far this year.

Set up a telephone and email campaign to reach out to each one over the next 4 weeks.  Budgets and goals change, especially in the closing quarter of the year.  A prospect who didn’t buy earlier in the year may suddenly see the need or have the money to buy now.

2. Reach further up the organization.

Companies are building out their plans for next year right now and you want to make sure you’re being built into the budget.  Best way to do that is by getting yourself known to those who control the budget. Don’t settle for those who use what you sell.

3. Follow up with each of your existing customers to uncover new opportunities.

Yes, this may sound basic, but I’m amazed at the number of salespeople who do not do it.  While you’re talking to them about new opportunities, ask them for new leads.  The best leads will always come from your happiest customers.

4. Identify 20 prospects you can close in the next 4 months.

This time of year is not the time to set in motion a prospecting plan that will take 3 years to bear fruit.

Remember, you first have to make this year’s number!  Focus your efforts to beef up your level of contact and, more importantly, to uncover more needs that your prospects want solved!

August might be slow, but don’t in any way allow yourself to believe you can’t use the time productively.

Copyright 2013, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog.

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