What does it take to be successful in sales?
I talk a lot about these strategies in my book, A Mind for Sales. Today, I am going to go through 10 things you have to be digging into if you want to be successful in sales.
Video – 10 Strategies to be Successful in Sales
1. Believe in Yourself
If you do not believe in yourself, how can you ever expect others to believe in you? Spoiler alert: They won’t.
You believe in yourself because of the significant improvements you can help others achieve. That is why you sell.
You do not sell because you want to sell a product. You sell because you want to help people.
Believe in yourself.
2. Put Others First
If you are going to believe in yourself, that means you have to put others first. That means you have to take the time to respect them.
I have found that all great salespeople always put others first. I’m not just talking about the great salesperson who is on top for one quarter, but the salesperson who is consistent, year in and year out.
When you put others first, there is something magical that happens. It opens the door for them to have more opportunities.
When you put others first, people and success gravitate to you.
3. Never Stop Learning
What I always find amazing is the number of top performing salespeople who grabbed a copy of my most recent book, A Mind for Sales, and immediately read it the first week it was out.
They said to me, “Of course I did, because I am always buying and reading every new book that comes out; I am continuously learning.”
Great salespeople never stop learning. They learn about sales, life and their industry. They are on a mission to learn.
Read more about the importance of constantly growing your mind here.
4. Have a Mastermind Group
I am part of a mastermind group and I love it. Three other people and I meet regularly on Zoom right now to discuss our strategies, objectives, how we’re doing, issues and more.
We lift each other up and collectively, we all become better salespeople.
Who is in your mastermind group? I have a whole chapter on the importance of mastermind groups in A Mind for Sales.
5. Know the Outcomes You Create
It is not the product nor the service you sell, it is the outcomes you create. The outcomes are what you want to be zeroed in on. The outcomes are what motivate you and get you excited.
How is that customer better because of them having purchased from you?
6. Use a CRM
The days of thinking you do not need a CRM are long past; that train left the station years ago.
You cannot remember everything. There is no way you can.
Top performing salespeople use tools, and one of those tools is a CRM system.
Use it; it’s there for you.
7. Consistent Sales Process
Using a CRM allows you to have a consistent sales process and stay right in step. One of the key things a CRM allows you to do is follow up consistently.
Average and low-performing salespeople do a lot of spraying and praying. They throw something out that does not work and then they try something else.
Top-performing salespeople stay consistent. They know their plan, work their plan and do not deviate from it.
8. Protect Your Time
Your time is your most valuable asset. I have another chapter on that in A Mind for Sales.
The most valuable asset is not what you sell, and it is not your customers. It is your time.
You have to protect your time; top-performing salespeople understand that and do not get caught up in just doing ‘stuff.’
If it is not revenue-producing or helping them achieve their goals, they are not doing it.
Protect your time – it’s simple.
9. Know Your ICP
Top-performing salespeople know their Ideal Customer Profile, or ICP.
Knowing this keeps you from prospecting with people who:
- Have no ability to buy from you
- Are in an industry you are unfamiliar with
- You do not know
Great salespeople stay in their ICP because it allows them to be confident and more knowledgeable; it allows them to close more sales faster and at a higher price.
Don’t know who your ICP is yet? Tap here to access my videos to help you figure it out.
10. Keep Things Simple
Surprisingly enough, the most successful salespeople keep things very simple. They have a very repetitive model, they know exactly what they want to do and when they want to do it, and then they execute it.
Lower-level salespeople are always confused on the next new thing to try. No, keep things simple.
I hope you enjoyed my 10 strategies to move yourself toward being seen as a successful high-performing salesperson. Check out A Mind for Sales for more content on this subject.
Great selling.
As one of my loyal blog readers, I have an opportunity today for you to invest in your skills. Together, we can take today’s challenges and turn them into once in a lifetime opportunities. Consider this quote that I wrote in my new book, A Mind For Sales and say often:
When challenges arise we don’t rise to the occasion, we sink to the level of our training.
Are you ready? Watch the video above, and come be a part of the continued conversation as we all become masters in our fields and passions. My new program, The Sales Hunter University, is where you’ll find it all – unlimited personal growth, hands-on learning, quick tips, abundant resources, and an amazing community.
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Copyright 2021, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of A Mind for Sales and High-Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results.
One Response
The world is shifting gears daily as new information and research develops. Honestly, there’s really no way to know what shakeups will affect those in sales next. What we do know is that sales enablement strategies must become agile to quickly adapt to the industry’s changing demands.