Your 3 Greatest Assets: Time, Mind, and Network

Your three greatest assets are not what you sell, not your customers, nor your territory.

Your three greatest assets are your time, your mind, and your network. Each day your objective is to protect your time, grow your mind, and nurture your network.

Top performing salespeople understand what this means, and they don’t allow themselves to fall victim to spending time on non-revenue producing activities.

They know their goal is to continually learn and share what they learn with their customers.

The best salespeople know that their network is something they have to invest in. It’s not about having a network that you use, it’s about having a network that you help.

In my book, A Mind for Sales I talk about these three items and how to make the most of each one. Yesterday is gone, never to be repeated and in a few hours, today will be gone too.  We cannot allow ourselves to see this period that we’re in as a free pass to not move ourselves forward, both professionally and personally. 

1. Time

Regardless of what is on our schedule or what meetings are happening, we have to protect our time.

I’m finding more demands on my time than ever before because I am working from home now, and people want to fill my calendar with meetings.  With each request for a meeting, I have to stop and ask myself if it’s the best use of my time. I have to be mindful of the meeting’s purpose. Time does not show favorites, time does not stockpile itself, time treats everyone the same way.   

Each day, it’s your objective to assess how you will use your time. At the end of the day, review how you ended up using it. If something did not move yourself closer to one of your goals, then why did you do it?  Don’t over complicate it.

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The way you spent your time either moved you forward or back.

 We always challenge ourselves to not spend time with prospects or customers who are never going to buy because we see it as a waste of time. If you apply that rule to the customers you meet, then you need to apply it to your entire day.   

2. Mind

Your mind is as valuable as your time, and there’s no better time than right now to grow your mind.  While others kick back and binge on Netflix, play video games, etc. you can be running ahead and learning. 

Customers are open to having conversations, except they want them to be meaningful.  Having a meaningful conversation with a customer is easy when they can see that you have knowledgeable interest in them. You must grow your mind constantly; it’s your greatest knowledge tool, so you must make the most of it.   

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3. Network

Your network will unlock more doors for you than you will ever realize.

My new book, A Mind for Sales would have never happened if it weren’t for my network and the people I know who helped me write the content. Even before this book, years ago, my network helped introduce me to a publisher who enabled me to write my first book.   Who is in your network?  Who can you add to your network?

Each person you know is an invitation to meet someone else. 

You expand your network by helping others expand their network.  One way to look at a network is to view each member of your network as a tree. Yes, a tree standing alone might be beautiful to look at, but in a storm, the single tree is exposed and at risk.  A network of trees is a forest and in a storm the trees survive and prosper because of the support from one another.  Your job is to help the trees by watering them regularly, allowing them to grow and develop deep roots. The deeper the roots, the taller the tree grows, and the taller the tree, the more shade it gives to others. 

via amaliavornicu on GIPHY

Examine yourself:

Which one are you the best at maximizing – time, mind, or network? Which one do you need to work on?  Use this time of isolation that we’re in as a gift to up your game with at least one of these strengths, if not all three. 


A Mind for Sales Book Cover

Go to Amazon right now and purchase my new book, A Mind for Sales if you haven’t already. This book will help you grow your mind. Trust me, it will be worth your time! Read it to learn all about how to develop the right mindset, which is crucial for everyone during our current situation.

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Copyright 2020, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter” Sales Motivation Blog.  Mark Hunter is the author of A Mind for Sales and High-Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results.

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2 Responses

    1. Thank you so much I stumbled across this by doing research about asset and liabilities . When I saw this a light bulb turn on in me. My focus was just on how to make money.

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