Who Are the Wingmen You Remember on Memorial Day?

It is Guest Post Monday and I can think of no one better to bring us encouragement today than Lt. Col. Rob “Waldo” Waldman.

Waldman is a former combat decorated fighter pilot, leadership speaker, and author of the National Bestseller Never Fly Solo. If you have a wingman serving in the armed forces and want to say thanks to this person, please visit this link, where you can purchase a gift copy to show your appreciation.

I love Memorial Day. It’s a holiday to connect with friends and family while paying respect to the soldiers of our great country who have paid the ultimate price so that we can remain a free America. They were the ultimate wingmen and gave their wings away so that we could fly.

In our busy lives, it’s easy to take for granted the freedom we have as a result of their sacrifice. Sure, we all need to be reminded of that sometimes.   But we can never forget.

We can never forget our past. We can never forget Pearl Harbor. We can never forget 9-11. We can never forget the families who lost a special wingman to battle.  And we can never forget the values that forged the invincible character of America — courage, commitment, honor, integrity, and service.

We must remember.

Memorial Day is such an important holiday because it reminds us to remember.  It reminds us to remember not only who means something in our life, but what.  What is it about our country and our lives worth fighting for?  What are we doing to live up to the American values that our soldiers fight for?  To make this holiday really mean something, we must truly embrace the values as well as the symbolism of Memorial Day.

So today and this weekend, let’s remember America by creating memorable moments and honor our fallen heroes by serving each other.  Let’s lend a wing to a hurting friend, be a good neighbor, donate to charity, volunteer at a homeless shelter, encourage a broken heart, and inspire a desperate soul. That’s the American Way. To me, that’s what patriotism is all about.

We don’t need to wear a uniform or go to war to serve our country. We can be a country worth fighting for by serving each other and upholding the values that make America the land of the free and the home of the brave.   For when we act in service and are wingmen to each other, all of our actions are memorable.

I am proud to be an American…and proud to be your wingman.

Waldo Waldman

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