
Experience the Weekly Sales Kickoff

Sales coaching delivered to your inbox every week!

Everyone needs a little inspiration

Mark Hunter is the best-selling author of A Mind for Sales, High-Profit Prospecting, and High-Profit Selling. Recognized as a global thought leader, Mark travels the world coaching Fortune 500 companies and exciting startups on how to kick start their success. Mark knows what it takes to start your week off right and is bringing the coaching to you and your team each week with Weekly Sales Kickoff coaching video. Subscribe today to begin your week with your personal sales coach.

Focused sales education

Every week, Mark is committed to bringing you a focused sales tip. Mark packs each coaching piece with helpful information but keeps it succinct so you can get on with making the most of your day. The Weekly Sales Kickoff adds value to your day and is the motivation we all need.

Practical sales application

After decades of proven sales leadership, Mark knows how important it is to bring you recent and actionable content. Sign up now for The Sales Hunter’s Weekly Sales Kickoff and see your sales training turn into bottom dollar transformation.

For more details, contact Steve Sivadge:

steve@thesaleshunter.com  |  402-215-9511

"Mark Hunter gives hundreds of proven tips, scripts, and processes to find, get through to, and sell to new customers."

Art Sobczak, Author of Smart Calling