Spraying and Praying is Not Prospecting

To be successful at sales prospecting, you have to have a plan.

Spraying and praying is not a plan!

Far too many salespeople have the belief that if they just throw enough stuff out there, spend enough time doing what they think is prospecting, then they will be successful.

Sure, they could, as the saying goes — even a blind squirrel will find an acorn from time to time.

Spending time on looking at prospect websites, posting messages on social media sites and doing other assorted stuff is usually doing nothing more than spraying and praying. If you’re doing it — and don’t deny it, the vast majority of salespeople are doing it — then you are simply spraying and praying.

Get focused.

Develop a plan and stick to it.

One of the easiest things anyone can do is what I call “6 MPM.”

This means 6 messages per month to your targeted prospects.  Keep your list tight to allow you to follow through.  Don’t think for a moment that because you have not generated any response after 3 or 4 messages, you should quit and move on.

If you do move on, you will be committing the number one mistake of salespeople — giving up too soon.  Most responses won’t materialize until you get to message 5 or 6.

Two things to keep in mind with your messages. They must be direct to the person and they must use different forms of communication.  Using nothing but email is not going to work. Use email combined with the telephone for maximum results.

Your message must not be about you but about the person you’re prospecting.  Don’t blab or write about features, they want benefits.

Each message must also communicate only enough information to generate interest and awareness.  Never provide enough information to allow them to make a decision without talking to you.

In the end, your goal is to earn the right, privilege, honor and respect to communicate with the person again.

Stay tuned to this blog. Over the next several weeks, I’m going to be digging deep into this subject, as it is without a doubt the number one issues salespeople face.

Copyright 2012, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog.

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