When you’re trying to reach the only contact name you have for a company and you keep ending up in their voicemail, try making a call to the number whose last digit is altered by one. The worse case is that you’ll reach someone else’s voicemail. The best case is that you’ll reach the office located next door to the person you’re wanting to reach.
Let me explain what I mean and, more importantly, what I don’t mean. I am not advocating some cheap technique to try and break through to a new account. If you have had your other avenues blocked in terms of getting in, then you have to start being resourceful. The worst that can happen is you wind up reaching someone who has no clue. In the best case, you will reach someone who has an office next door to the person you’re trying to reach and they might be able to assist in getting you in touch with them.
Warning! Do not do this if you’re trying to reach the CEO or any other senior officer as it will be viewed as offensive. Do, however, use the approach if you’re attempting to reach a mid-level or lower employee.