Power Mornings


It is just a little before 7 am right now and I have arrived at a restaurant to have breakfast with a friend. This morning, I am reflecting on the beauty of the first several hours of the day.

I know it may sound ridiculous that I get up at 4:30 every morning, but you know what is great about it?

By 7 am, I am at this restaurant and I have already had a chance to:

  • Work out
  • Spend time with my wife
  • Have a couple of cups of coffee
  • Dig in to make sure I am focused for the day

Staying Focused Throughout the Day

I took care of a couple of critical issues, and I have been able to take some time for myself. That is all between 4:30 and 7 am. I got dressed, showered, and drove to this breakfast place.

What I find very interesting is by staying focused early in the morning, it is amazing how I stay focused throughout the day.

When I am focused throughout the day, it’s a no-brainer of how much more I can accomplish.


Hit the Day Hard

Stop and think about this for a moment: When we start the day out slow – and I know there are days we enjoy doing that – what does it do? It almost slows down the entire day. I want to hit the day hard. I want to hit the day fast.


By 10 am, I want to ask myself, “What have I accomplished of significance that if I didn’t accomplish anything else the rest of today, I can call it a good day?” That is what my whole focus is, so I hit the ground running.


What Schedule Works for You?

Sure, 4:30 am might be a little too early for you and I get it. However, set your schedule accordingly and stay absolutely focused. You do not get caught up in ‘shiny objects.’ You make time for distractions later on if you get everything accomplished first.

Early on in the day, it is about staying focused and making it happen.


Now, I need to go meet this gentleman for breakfast. Take care.

Copyright 2021, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter” Sales Motivation Blog.  Mark Hunter is the author of A Mind for Sales and High-Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results.


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