
There are more prospecting traps salespeople fall into than customers, and one of the biggest ones is thinking you shouldn’t prospect because all you’re doing is interrupting people.  This trap not only harms salespeople, but also customers just as much.

If you believe in how you can help others and how your customers are able to achieve an outcome not possible unless they bought from you, then you owe it to others to reach out. Failing to reach out to others is a failure to help them.  There’s no way you can help others unless they buy from you, and they won’t be in a position to buy from you unless you first reach out to them.

It’s time for you to view interrupting a prospect as doing them a favor.  You might be thinking that’s a weird statement, but think about how you help others.  You truly do help others because of the product or service you sell.

Each week I interrupt people with the calls I make, but I know I can help them.  I believe so strongly that my calls to prospects are doing them a favor.  They may not realize it initially when I call, but I know if I can have a conversation with them, I can begin getting them to see the value I can bring.

Watch this 78-second video: 


Sales is about helping others see and achieve what they didn’t think was possible.  View what you do not as prospecting but as being on a mission to help others.  Yes, some may reject your help, but that’s life. Nobody’s perfect — not you and not even your prospects.

This week view the calls you’re going to make as being a service. It’s the first step in you being able to help others.

Are you ready to have me speak at your next sales kick-off meeting?   I sure hope you are! The calendar for 2019 is filling up and we need to talk ASAP to make sure I’m part of your sales meeting.  Call me at 402-445-2110 or email me at Mark@TheSalesHunter.com.

And don’t forget that a coach can help you excel in your sales career! Invest in yourself by checking out my coaching program today!

Copyright 2018, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results

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