I’m out traveling today, and I’ve been pondering how old becomes new. How the impossible can become possible.
For almost a year, I really wasn’t on many planes. Sure, I took a few flights, but not many. In contrast, now airports are busy, and there are mask requirements.
I’m amazed because old is new again. Airlines are ramping up schedules, and things are really getting back on track, albeit with plenty of changes. What does this mean for us?
A New Normal
Clearly, travel has always been an essential part of life, whether it be traveling for fun to see relatives, or for business.
However, we didn’t think we could do it a few months ago, and airline stocks were crashing. Whereas today, things are busy.
I am struck by how many times we see change occur and we think, “Oh, it can never go back to the way it was.” And yet, things resume a sense of normalcy. Perhaps things don’t always turn out the way we expected, but we continue to adapt.
Closed Doors Become Open
What does this mean in my life? Well, things that I didn’t think were possible, are now possible. Or, things that I thought had passed their expiration date, and could never happen, can indeed come to pass.
For example, you may be a relatively new college graduate, and think that the job market is dismal. But what if it’s actually great?
You may be a person who just moved to a new city and can’t find the job you want. But what if that job is just around the corner?
Undoubtedly, there are opportunities out there. Just when you think doors are closed, doors open.
Read more about walking through the right doors.
Using Your Skills to the Best of Your Ability
More than ever, I think we need to be ready. We need to be prepared to seize the opportunity. Take the experiences that we’ve had in the past, maybe reshape them a little bit, but somehow make them work. We can make it happen.
Watch this video to hear more from Mark about impacting others through leadership.
I think that’s what success is all about–using what you have to the greatest ability possible.
I’m thankful for that.
I’m going to continue to find ways to use the opportunities that I have, that I’ve been blessed with, and that I’m thankful for. How do I continue to use them to not only move myself forward, but to help those around me move forward?
Take care.
Would you like to meet me in person, as well as gain new insights to your sales team, network, and customers?
I want to personally invite you to OutBound Conference, where the sales profession unites to become even better.
I’ll be taking the stage with over 30 sales professionals and thought leaders – no selling from the stage, just sharing our know-how of prospecting, pipeline, and productivity for you to bring back to your sales team.
I’ll see you there, virtually or in person: June 15-18th. Use “mark100” for $100 off tickets.
Copyright 2021, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of A Mind for Sales and High-Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results.